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Everything posted by westlake

  1. the wildrose brewery is a staple for me wicked fresh beer no preservatives always some piece of tail you can chase after food is amazing the place is exactly a corner piece of heaven
  2. sure buddy sounds good thanks
  3. well thats what i amdoing here lol
  4. listen boys times are tough as im getting married barely working at my job because they have no work i am willi ng to work for gear i am a fly fish enthusiast and just cant afford gear my reel just busted and i cant replace it its worse than a crack addiction for me i nned to fish can anyone help me out lol
  5. a packed lunch eh sounds enticing like a san juan to a brown trout any time buddy i would take you out and share tips and skills of the trade pm me
  6. i dont know how many times i told myself one more cast lol it sure seemed to pay off for you what a monster rainbow good catch my fellow fly fisherman
  7. just looking for some home made flies or wondering where i get some cheap flies anyone help me with this thanks
  8. well hi there this sounds good im in for sure
  9. Oh that's cool, I happen to have some 4wt kickin around I'll try that out, thanks alot guys.
  10. So I bought the 7'6" TFO professional series rod, I need line for it, I could get 3wt for it, but the main purpose for the rod will be to fish the tiny tiny mountain streams for 4"-12" cutties. So most of my casts will be less than 20' probably. there likely won't be to much nymphing goin on, and I'm wondering if I get 2 wt line will that make for nicer dry fly presentations for short casts, or should I just get 3wt? Also, what's a good fly line to get for the $30-50 range, that would suit this rod well.
  11. lol i remember taking this photo sometimes you have to make out with them so they tell their buddies to bite
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