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Everything posted by bvader

  1. That's no great accomplishment - the same goofy group rags on me and I can't even hit a golf ball.
  2. I bet he doesn't take steroids either.
  3. Obviously not trying hard enough...
  4. Because he got to have cake for dessert?
  5. I apologize for my part in getting the thread locked by expressing my opinion in a fashion that some people didn't like. The problem imo was that some people who didn't care for the way my opinion was presented continuously resorted to profanity and insults rather than engaging in open debate on the topic(s) at hand. This is a public forum with readership that includes younger people and others that would rather not be exposed to profanity. The moderators do a fine job of trying to be unbiased but it is a very difficult task.
  6. Pick up a copy of a book called "Fit to Fish". It talks about a lot of elbow and shoulder related problems. Also see a doctor - tennis elbow or golfer's elbow rarely heal themselves once they get serious (i.e. pain doesn't go away after a few days of rest and ice). In addition to trying different casting styles try using a different grip to see if that helps. Another option is to get a lighter fish bonker. Less strain on the elbow...
  7. shoe goo = good. Wanny - if you've lost the patch kit that came with your waders then go to fabric shop and get the patches for waterproof clothing.
  8. And a darn good one. As long as the money actually goes towards the good things you mention I'm all in favour of increased costs for licensing. Perhaps I'm jaded but I find it hard to believe that that will happen.
  9. Interesting that my defending the idea of free licensing for seniors continues to draw profanity and name calling from you in spite of the fact that I haven't responded in kind. I'm not sure why you hate seniors. I can only surmise that your grandfather refused to take you fishing when you were a kid. Given your attitude towards a new comer to this site I can see why.
  10. Well I was going to take the high road and not bother responding to this drivel because I thought most of the conscientious people on this board would have read and known what is in their own fishing regulations but now I'm being accused of "being wrong a number of times" by someone whom I thought relied on official documentation rather than what some anonymous poster had to say - so to quote the Alberta Fishing Regulations: How much you want to bet that ACA does not get the lion's share of the proceeds?
  11. Heck - most of my family members died of old age and I'm not taking it personally that people are joking about old age in this thread.
  12. Who says I'm joking? And who are you trying to be?
  13. If you are going to repair the waders yourself then use the aquaseal and the patch material. Seams come apart because they are being stretched for some reason. You need to add the patch to reinforce the seam.
  14. A leaky seam after 5 trips is either a sign of a manufacturer defect or an overstuffed pair of waders. Either way I would expect the leak to keep getting worse and aquaseal is a temporary fix for a stretched seam. I say take em back to the place you bought em and have them send them in. The only problem is that it could be a while before you get a new or repaired pair.
  15. Sounds about right to me. Hopefully you don't end up stuck in any side channels with the low water.
  16. As usual, nothing useful to say so resort to profanity and insults. I prefer to take the high road.
  17. No problem here. I put all my waste products in handy plastic bags that I get from local stores. If it's really obnoxious I double bag it. After that I put it in my recycling bin. From what I understand Calgary's recycling ends up in the same land fill sites as the rest of my garbage but that's okay. As long as they don't poke too many holes in the bags it should be at least a couple of generations before any harmful substances I ingest leak out in to the environment. Heck, there's even a good chance that they will be far less potent by then. I also don't use soap :derby racer: so I consider myself to be quite an environmentalist.
  18. First of all I think profanity is probably not allowed on these boards. Secondly, if you guys are only interested in your own opinions then maybe you should start up your own board titled, "I don't really have anything useful or meaningful to say but I like it when people agree with everything I say so don't be posting anything that contradicts me." You could pretend you are talking about general fishing related stuff like "vote for me so I can win a free fishing trip even though you might want to vote for yourself and win a free trip yourself" and "Let's pick on seniors because they don't have to pay for a fishing license." Or you could start up an all fluff board for red necks only and confine this stuff to there and that way you can stop pretending that you are talking about fishing related stuff. Personally I prefer to talk about fishing related stuff on a fishing related board.
  19. Now we're talking. Weed out the troublemakers and the rest is easy.
  20. Sad story that. "We're working too hard to do our jobs." I say we give em great big guns. No questions asked.
  21. Oh yeah. I forgot to mention the Alzheimer thing. Half these guys don't remember if they even tied the hook on the the line.
  22. Blah blah blah. So some poor old bald guys with beer guts, bad knees and wooden teeth get to fish without having to buy a license. Who really gives a rat's butt? Kids under 16 get to fish free but rememeber that they have to be accompanied by someone with a license. Hopefully the kids are being shown proper respect. The rest of Canada pays the same price as we do. Nice. The only complaint I have with the Alberta licensing system is that the money goes in to general revenues and some beaurocrats decide if money is better spent on protecting our natural resources or putting white wall tires and a new 8 track in the Stelmach Shaggin Waggon. The silly system is in BC where we as Albertans have the privilege of paying $20/day/watershed. What we really need to do is to start treating other groups the same way they treat us. You come from BC and want to fish the Bow River? Great! Pony up $20/day at the start of each day and if you want to fish the Bow in the morning and a mountain stream in the afternoon then you should have to finish up on the Bow and then have to drive to downtown Cowtown to the special BC licensing office at the corner of 1 Way Street and No Parking for BCers and plunk down your $20 for the afternoon session. The other silly thing is that I have to pinch down the barb on my size 24 fly tied to the end of my 2 lb tippet while some yahoo with a Walmart special spinning rod and 50 lb test line gets to use a rapala with those god awful killing machines called treble hooks. Aren't the 2nd and 3rd hooks just another form of barb but with much greater potential to injure and maim? Okay people - let's quit griping about the seniors who get to fish with out a license on the two or three days of the year that they can actually withstand the local weather and concentrate on stuff that makes sense. Half the time these old farts can't even tie a hook on the line properly anyway. If ya can't do that then at least peel your posteriors off your couches and go fishing instead of talking about it.
  23. $25 isn't an issue. The real problems are that your odds of living for a full year are greatly decreased so it's a potential rip off to have to pay for a full year. Another problem is that eventually the gov't takes away your driving license and now you have to pay big taxi cab fees to go everywhere. Top that off with the problem that you probably forget where you placed your license whenever you decide to go fishing to you have to get in a taxi to go to the someplace to buy a license every time you want to go fishing. Get's to be pretty expensive. While we are on the topic I think that people who move to Canada and qualify as seniors after being here only 2 years should have the privilege of paying megabucks for a SEN card as well. By the way - this is a Fishing Related chat group isn't it?
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