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  1. Sundance, Out of the total volunteer pool, what % have lake priveliges? PS; Not trying to pick a fight. My line of questions are legit. I would have to assume you campaign outside of the communtiy because you do not get the required support from the community? If those 10+ pound trout get out of control and need to be culled I will be there!
  2. And some guys smoke too much weed.. My question stands as serious. Why do they need to solicit outside support to cull fish deemed as vermin on a private community pond?
  3. Taking home a pail of stunted perch is not enough. How much support do you get from the residents of the community on this initiative? With such a great private community lake I am very surprised that you have to actively campaign with such vigorous fortitude on various public bulletin boards. I do however appreciate your savvy marketing campaign.. Some people eat danelions as salad. Does anyone want to come to my yard and pick some fresh, free salad?
  4. Does this Private lake community provide a lunch for this free labour?
  5. I don't know the specifics on the Rockwall Trail, but about 20 years ago I hiked up to the ink pots at Johnson Canyon with the wife and kids. We made it up and back in an afternoon. Hope that helps.
  6. My Doc's office is at a big shopping mall.. It goes without saying that people who abuse the system should be delt with. To say someone is not handicapped enough to warrant the handicapped tag is one of the more obtuse statements a person can make, parking at a mall or wherever.
  7. Robert, Curious how you can visually tell if someone is fine? Heart and lung conditions come to mind. This is one of the most asinine topics here in some time.
  8. Looks like it is shaping up to be the biggest oil spill ever and you say the area will eventually recover? It came across that you think it is no big deal with a statement like that! You are one of the main proponents of the O&G industry when topics such as this come up, so what did you expect?
  9. A tragedy like this makes the oil sands oil look pretty clean. C'mon now rickr, that could be said about any disaster, natural or man made. Yes "eventually" it will recover. Flimsy statement of the year award contestant.
  10. Snow Day? This is Calgary not Vancouver.
  11. No doubt this will help out the random camping situation....
  12. Not a hard "catch" when you publicly correct someone with the wrong spelling yourself. Thanks Uber for all of the entertainment with your posts. It is one of the bright spots that keeps bringing me back. I sincerely mean this! Oh ya; it is "though" not "tough"
  13. Thanks for the formula! That would make a 34" Brown Trout approx. 14lbs...
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