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Everything posted by dino

  1. I use the Beulah switch rods (4/5 & 5/6), no wax or tape for me. Dean
  2. Just curious, how much are these racks? Dean
  3. I may be in if it's in the south. Copperfield has a pretty good rink..... Dean
  4. Oh my! Whats next Sharkskin waders?? Seriously though, I wonder what has been done different to the core? Stiffness? As well as running line diameter? SA is pretty secretive on these details, RIO however..... Great marketing on SA's part. Dean
  5. Don't forget stripping line in close, to your feet close. You must then pay out line to prepare for the next cast. For me, the follow is one of my favorite parts of spring fishing for pike. Where I do like them, is for shore fishing for pike with an area of vegetation in front of you. You now have the ability to fish that zone past the weed bed and into the deep.
  6. I would like to represent both sides here (double hand & single handers). I love spey and find something totally accelerating of the casting & simplicity. I use this style in all applications, in fact I do more snake rolls & single speys with my single hander than I do overhead casting. But, (always a but) there are things that the longer rods(magic sticks) hinder IMO. They can dampen the fight of the fish, because of the length, lines are quite heavy for any given "rod weight" & the complete rig is heavy to just carry around (I'm a 3-5 weight single hand kinda guy). +75' foot casts with ease, sure, it is totally effortless but you're throwing 450+ grains. What is that, 11 weight class? These aren't "magic" rods, pure physics. I think on a forum both "pros" and "cons" need to be identified, especially for the newbies. See you on the river!
  7. Is the 7136 a traditional rod? Or z-axis? Very different!
  8. If I am understanding this correctly, you should be using the single spey(which you already are). There are a few techniques to try, my favorite is to start a gradual lift over your right shoulder, this helps clear the line from the water, then continue on as you normally would single speying. Your biggest problem you are probably having right now, is not clearing the line from the water and the anchor ends up landing very close to your upstream side. If it is cleared properly, you can place it where ever you'd like. Dean
  9. First of all what hand caster are you?
  10. Check the spring first, could be stuck in a low position. It should be able to move in and out freely. Also check the the reel itself(not on the spool) there should be small dimples that the clicker engages into, maybe these have sharp edges causing premature wear. Either way you may need another piece.
  11. I have a Danielsson that I like(formally Loop). As for the Islanders, I'm sure they are great reels, just a touch on the heavy side for the lighter single hand rods IMO.
  12. I've had both the Pflueger Trion and Teton Tioga and find them really heavy. Yes they are good reels for the money, but in the 4/5 weight classes I tend to search for something ~4oz to 5oz. The Pfluegers are not a sealed drag and sometimes the one way bearing can skip when a fish is pulling line, usually a lack of lube. Easy fix. It's really all in what you want to spend. If you have a good rod and want to keep your rig light, look into the Lamsons...Ross...I seen some good deals on these recently. These Orvis LA's sound alright. With the value of the Canadian dollar, I wouldn't think twice about ordering from the States. My 2 Cents Dean
  13. I'm with you on this one Toolman. I'm lovin the small nymphs, caddis emergers and pheasant tails are my primaries. Of course, at night, skid bitches and all the rubber legged foam patterns work well! Any other time I'll be pulling a double leech pattern rig. Dean
  14. Let me know how you like the new Airflo Skagit. They are a little longer than the Rio's @ ~32' vs 27'. How much were the running lines? Dean
  15. If you plan on fishing sink tips, I prefer lighter rods with Skagit/Shooting heads.
  16. Downstream from Policemans.
  17. Saw a large cat last year on the Bow in Oct-Nov. They are around. Snapped these shots in January. Reel ~4" diameter.
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