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Everything posted by HenHackle

  1. Nice photos! The different vegetation was neat to see on a trout stream. What do the local Aussie anglers do about the snakes, carry antivenin?
  2. All this reminds me of a story my dad told me about farm turkeys, not the most intelligent of birds. Dad grew up dirt poor on a farm near Bowden and his dad was a strict old guy - definitely not one to spare the rod in disciplining his own kids. Anyway, one day when my dad was about 7 years old, he was being chased by a turkey (they can be bullies). As the bird closed in, dad turned around and slapped his chaser in the head, killing him instantly. Well, he thought he was in it deep then, and in tears took the dead bird over to his dad. Grandpa listened to his son's story and then said. "Don't worry about it kid. It was only a stupid turkey."
  3. Yeah, now that's an athlete. Not pushing it at all. Never seen anything like it.
  4. And, to be fair, it's usually enough. The problem I think with the little digitals now is that few of them provide good quality photos above 200 ISO. I'm in the market now and would like something small, waterproof, shockproof, and with 28 mm lens. Under 400 dollars would be nice, too! Maybe that little package is a few years down the road...
  5. I have one week at the beginning of October -- my first week of holidays in Alberta in over a year. I'll even go fishing the "Edmonton way" (trolling by snowmobile) if I have to!
  6. Yes, Bob (clever handle), a great post. I thought the part about "Tears happen" was especially good. Hard to face the tough times that you know are inevitable, but you have to face them nonetheless.
  7. Remind him to factor in the costs of his blown-up car. Hope you get to go.
  8. Tyler, the master logician! Don't worry, be happy. Even if you fail, there are always jobs at Tim Hortons, and you'll get to wear a uniform again, too. HH
  9. Interesting you would say that about the military training. I remember an interview with Bob Woodword of the Washington Post, who said that after serving as a soldier in Vietnam, everything that he did in life afterwards seemed easy. I, on the other had, could have used a bit of military discipline before college -- just scraped by in first year! Looking forward to next week's story.
  10. !
  11. Well, I mailed the stuff yesterday. Two boxes full of all kinds of things. Sure hope there is no BS with the bureaucrats, but knowing my luck... The woman at the post office was so anal that her lips puckered: demanded a detailed contents list because "the Canadian post office won't accept a general list" Gave me a special form and everything. I took advice from this board and did not list "dead animal parts" but I did admit to "feathers". We'll see if the parcels show up at my dad's door in a couple of months. What a headache! Thanks for the feedback, everyone. HH
  12. Great stories, Rick. Two questions comes to mind: did you make your exam? What was your grade?
  13. Lots of great stories here! I guess the takeaway is that it is seldom easy at first but worth the effort if you can train your dog and the animal has the right temperament. Gary, I missed the bear story on the old board. How did your dog react to the bear? How did the bear react to the dog?!
  14. Interesting anecdote. Anyone with other experiences fishing with their own dogs?
  15. In another thread Lynn mentioned that she goes fishing with her labrador. I'm interested in knowing who here fishes with their dog. Where do you take the dog fishing? Have you found it difficult to control/train the animal to behave properly? It sounds like a great way to get the dog out of doors but is it generally practical?
  16. Thanks for the replies, gentlemen. Good advice. Has anyone had negative experiences with Quarantine? HH
  17. Hi folks, I have found a job in Calgary, so ditched my 13-year "teaching" career here in Japan to get back home. I'm sure looking forward to the fishing and maybe meeting a few of you folks. I'll be in Canada on Oct.1 and thought I would send my fly tying materials ahead so that they are waiting for me when I arrive. Just wondering if any of you have had trouble mailing this sort of stuff -- getting it past Canada Customs Quarantine people. I don't have rare bird feathers or polar bear or anything endangered. Just regular old capes and hair and whatnot. Anybody get hassled? If so, any suggestions for dealing with the bureaucrats? Thanks, HH
  18. Great looking flies, Kungfool. Have you seen this video of the traditional tie? It's just a vice, hook, wire, and feather. Pretty cool, throwback stuff http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SFYlIwDuPiE
  19. Yes, in my case, that's what would happen. Precisely.
  20. Sexy. sexy fly! Nicely done, SJW. Out of curiosity, is lead still permitted in Alberta waters? I thought I had heard otherwise. Wondering what to do with all my weighted flies if it's forbidden.
  21. Apologies, Weedy. My mistake. Though that 1985 Stevie Ray Vaughn concert would have been around the same time as that legendary Dame Vera gig...
  22. What a coincidence! Those are working for me at the moment, too! I've been finding loads of these caddis creatures under rocks in fast current. About a size 16 with legs at the dark head and the greenish area smoother. I've been tying some with a green/black combination of dubbing and some with hare's ear grey/black dubbing. Ziploc shellback. Extra fine gold wire for segmentation. Not quite up to Kungfool's gold standard but appealing to fish nonetheless. Last week my hatchery chums inhaled these flies like coke off a mirror. Some things about flyfishing are the same, no matter where you live ...
  23. Have to say daM's account of the Texas concert with Willie, Johnny & Neil impressed me. Kind of sad, though, that nobody showed up. " My favourite concert was Billy Bragg at MacHall in the late 80's. Great guitar player, funny guy. Uncanny Springsteen impression. He was selling 'Capitalism is killing music' t-shirts. "They cost $75", he said! For sheer fun, I got thrown out of a concert once in 88 or so for grabbing the mike and yelling "Arrrgghh", then handing it over to my brother to see him do the same thing. Pissed the lead singer off, I guess, but he shouldn't have pushed the thing in my face to begin with. Brother then picked a fight with "Kevin", the 6 foot 7 bouncer who tossed us. Bloody good thing for my dear sibling that the other bouncers held Kevin back. I remember the bouncer but I'll be damned if I can remember the name of the band... Truly the most fabulous mix of adreneline and narcotics that particular evening. And who could ever forget Vera Lynn christening the Dome? Grizz, Dryfly, Weedy -- in unison "We'll meet again, don't know where, don't know when..."
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