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Posts posted by sallinger

  1. Awesome.. Thanks for all the reviews and thoughts. Wonder if my Helios2 or Hydros should go on the chopping block instead... What to do.. Lol gues to many rods and not enough opportunities to fish them all. Mind you both the Orvis rods are 5wts.

  2. Wondering if anyone here used this rod. I recently acquired a brand new 6wt 9ft and wasn't sure if I was gonna keep or sell it. Anyone have opinions on this rod? I have a couple rods in same weight class already. Before I string this up and cast it any feed back would be great.

  3. We'll fished the Crow today and managed to lose another fly box. More nymphs and streamers this time. If anyone finds one please let me know. This is getting annoying. 2 boxes in 2 weeks brutal ! !

    This one is black with a trout rising to a fly on the front. $300 in flies in two weeks . Ouch. Let me know if it is found please.


    Thanks in advance

  4. Was out on the Michel today and lost a Box of flies. Watched it float down the river but wasn't able to get in front of it to grab it. It is a Green montana fly company floating box filled with Nymphs and streamers. I know it is a long shot but better to ask then not. Thanks in advance

  5. How does one go about determining the age of older hardy reels? I recently picked up a St John MK2 and a St John 3 7/8. Also found a Marquis #7. Trying to determine value and age of these reels. Also if anyone knows where I could possibly send these to get a tune-up/over haul would be greatly appreciated.

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