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About robert

  • Birthday 03/26/1971

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robert's Achievements


Stonefly (5/10)



  1. I bought a spool of trilene 6 lb and it's all I use for fly to fly or lengthening leaders. The strength is incredible and i haven't been losing very many flies, can pull out of alot of sticks and rocks. I'll be using trilene from now on.
  2. Yep, the word ban, gotta love it. How many things are now banned and deemed illegal cause people were abusing the system and doing what they wanted, where they wanted. ATV's and OHV's are a prime example. It only takes a few to spoil it for the rest. How long before more jet bans are put in place. It's up to the user of anything, jet's included to educate those that don't use common sense - cause in the end, it hurts all users. Jet's don't bother me at all - some people do - but that's just me. I spend most of my time in the city and have the fire department come by quite a bit. They slow down and wave, still creates a heck of a wake at the shoreline but it doesn't matter.
  3. Maayyyybeee... I should have read that before I hit post
  4. Hey Matt, long time no hear... You being terrified of her getting bored isn't a great start. I remember trying to teach ex's how to drive a stick - doesn't usually end well, expectations are different and frustrations can ensue. Casting and fishing lessons are great on land, and on a river, they generally spend more time trying to hook a fish rather than learning.
  5. Redington carries lots of sizes. Unfortunately for me, the breathables I have cost over $300 due to my long inseams. Breathables are the way to go, both summer and winter - and to keep warm in the cold waters, a basic pair of thin nylon pants are the ticket. Check out the Reds, i'm impressed with mine.
  6. I love how people throw in the "I don't know why so and so pays for this site" like it costs a fortune to do so. I host 5 sites with 3 chat forums, $10.00 a year for each domain name and $50.00 for the hosting. $100.00 a year all in. Software to drive the forums is free - tho IPB has started charging lately.
  7. Pretty cool indeed. Not every day you get up close with one or the other
  8. Too funny. Nothing like sloppy seconds eh? Nice to know the fish are being released properly, catch and release really does work!
  9. So did you get out today with the fiancee? how did it go?
  10. Great room, lots of money tied up in tying materials, wow. I like that idea. Take special requests? I miss my girl when i'm out fishing.
  11. Awesome pics! love the loop reel in the first pic
  12. Yep, found one hole full of whiteys this week, lots of fun but no trout in amongst them. Damn they love to fight this time of year.
  13. Interesting comments in this thread, keep them coming. I've often wondered what people did before google maps, and some won't use that. I've given up spots in the past, and lost them to crowds, won't be doing that again. But i will share holes with friends and i've had them do it for me.
  14. Started a new job 2 months ago and it's seriously cutting into my fishing time. August was a blur, i'm still trying to figure out what happened to September. Sweet geebus, getting old sucks. Time moves faster, the barber is asking if I want two eyebrows instead of one and i'm forever taking the beard trimmer to my ears For all you young fellers, you'll get the joke when you turn 40 LOL Bought the neighbors young feller (6 years old) a new spin cast and took him out to chestermere for a few hours last week, that was the only time I wet a line in a month now. Had a good laugh tho, he hooked his first fish but got so scared he nearly pitched his new rod in the water LOL. I seriously need to get away - who's doing what the coming weekend? anyone heading west for a day trip?
  15. The step by step manual is here: http://hawkingtech.com/index.php/products/...adfile/208.html (just a pdf doc) support page for your router is here: http://hawkingtech.com/index.php/products/...rs/hwrgm1a.html Login to the router with the user pass (default is admin/1234) and follow through the setup wizard link on the left. That will take you through the wireless settings as well. The SSID is your wireless network name, choose your security type and give it a password. Your broadband connection type should be cable modem - dynamic ip. I wouldn't worry about the software install. If you have questions, post back.
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