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Everything posted by easternflyfish

  1. Great video, it's been a while since I seen it. Really makes you want to get out there and make more trips happen, as you think about things you want to do, and realize how quickly time goes by.
  2. Well we had no issues , both of us took rods and reels in carry on, so we were happy. Thanks for the replys.
  3. Great from what I have read it had to be under 22 inches but I really don't want to send my rod in luggage. Thanks for the tip, on the flies, easy enough to over look that and have to replace it or retie.I phoned the airline lastnight but they weren't very helpful, just read me what was on there website. They leave a lot of room for interpatation
  4. Does anyone know if you can carry on a rod and reel? Or do you have to put it in checked baggage and hope it makes it there or that some else feels the need for a new rod. Thanks
  5. i'd say a deer
  6. Ditto that one, been thinking about a salmon trip this summer, just might have to make some arrangements now Nic pics
  7. Super vids, that one of the cutt feeding was great, hope to see you next summer sometime dutchie, dave and i are planning on makeing another float at some point. Jon
  8. I bought a pair of the freestone's this spring, and a pair of Vibvrams boots. Wow is all i can say about the boots, they are so comfortable and light, you could easily wear them all day and not have sore legs or back, lots of support and the grip is pretty decent. The boots are one of the bests one i have had to date.
  9. Seeing a pic of "SALMON ON" brings back lots of memories, and makes vacation in 2.5 weeks for 2 weeks of salmon fishing seem like its never gonna get here. I can't wait. Nice fish too
  10. A lot of your basic trout flys, adams, misquitos, muddllers, some small buck bugs. trout are trout BUT if you get a chance don't pass it up to go salmon fishing, carry a green machine and blue charm and an undertaker. Good Luck
  11. Being new to this trout fishing a person has to get used to going bug eyed tying these flies on. What do you guys use for boxes, a metal clipped box or ridge foam, or just a compartment style. Any susjestions on brands of fly boxes would be helpful as well Thank
  12. There should be diagram of how to switch retrives in the box.
  13. That is one awesome looking fish, i bet it put up a nice fight.
  14. The best luck i had with this problem is to put the rod behind you under your deriere, keeping your hands as close to the furrels as possible and then just assume a sitted possition. Worked every time! Good luck
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