He was/is a Vision Rep and is now trying to blow out his stock. I'm at the point where I'm thinking he never intended to take anyone out fishing at all. Cash n Dash
The Rematch
The Scuttle at the Shuttle 2
In the blue corner Goldglovejohnny
In the red lincoln corner Lyle Lovettinthechops
Sunday Sunday Sunday We'll sell you the whole seat, BUT YOU'LL ONLY NEED THE EDGE!
Rereading all things flyfishy , you one wack mofo!! funtown is bra missing bro wiggady. You did put a black and purple woolybugger on and impale so rad mad props even if 15 years backtrack..and4 stitches later chicks dig. Who's next? Hope I'm so lucky
This weekend I was went to Dalhousie Station, Had to go to Mammary Express for some tweaking and under wires.
I noticed a new Fly Shop just a couple doors down. Dude said they should be open in about 10 days or so.
I'm going to camp out now. Being the first customer should win me something good. Maybe a float on the Dog Pound?