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Everything posted by Hannibal

  1. At the end of the Second World War Canada had the third largest Navy in the world. We have a proud Naval tradition that lives on despite the jokes of the uninformed ass who started this thread. The role of any Navy is force projection... and force projection is what determines power amongst nation states... control the seas, control the world. That's a fact since Athens held the crown. Why is the US dominant? Because they have the best Navy. Canada's Navy may not monitor all the sea lanes of the world, but the ones we do patrol, we do so with authority.
  2. Crap poll... how about options that don't display your own bias?
  3. Pretty surprising amount of development out of that Kananaskis lake.
  4. The risk of the Large Hadron Collider destroying the planet is 10 to the minus 40 - a 1 in 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 chance. There is, by several orders of magnitude, a greater chance of the Earth being destroyed by an asteroid or something similar. Oh.. and then there is this.
  5. I've never been to a "Bass Pro Shop" before but my American buddy tells me it's a great place so I will go and check it out... and if the products I wish to buy there are several degrees cheaper than they are at my more local shops, well then I will buy them at the Bass Pro Shop. Simple economics. Oh sure, I will calculate my fuel cost to get there as well as several other intangibles including how my purchases there will help the American Capitalist pig-dogs control the world market surreptitiously... and also how my purchases there will put the smaller Mom n Pop shops where i've devolped relationships with the store-owners out of business, etc. Anyways, if it makes sense for me to buy there as opposed to somewhere else... then I will buy there.
  6. Todd Bertuzzi is all right in my book, keep up the GOOD work Todd:
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