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Everything posted by dube

  1. I would say the youtube clip is way more of a dog vid than a cat vid. The cat is just being a typical arsehole and the hound is a total comedian. not hard to tell whos got more personality out of those two.
  2. weedy that vid is effin gold. I'm not sure if cats are smarter but they are definitely more serious. No self respecting cat would spin circles to try and confuse it's opponent like ol' spuds did. awesome tactic in my opinion.
  3. dube

    Wet Wading

    sure wish I'd gone for it last week. Spent the day on the blackstone last thurs. it was at least 30degrees, the neos were a tad warm. they didn't exactly keep me dry if you know what I mean. I'm just worried about all the scrapes and rashes involved with going bare leg while tromping through the bush or scrambling down banks. I really like the protection neos offer. I can literally slide on my ass down a rocky bank, they are like having elephant skin. It's the main reason I haven't picked up a pair of breathables yet.
  4. Thanks LF. I'll be in Canmore late Fri. night and probably heading out from there early sat. morning. (likely the crack of 10:30 knowing those bow valley boys). Seems it is all classified water in that region, bummer. Shall make for a pricey weekend. Any advice to make it worth the 50 licences I'll have to buy:)
  5. I'm heading down around radium to do some work on a cabin for a few days next weekend. If you are heading south on 93 you turn off onto settlers road and come out just on the south side of the park. I'm curious what the fishing might be like on the kooteney itself in that area. I have no idea how big the river is at this point but apparently it is steps away from this cabin so it will be the most convenient for me to fish in the evening. I noticed there are also a fair number of tribs in that area as well so I may give them a shot if the kooteney is huge and unfishable. I imagine it is all cutts and bulls so I will be taking the usual big hairy flies along with some streamers and whatnot. Is my 4wt going to be enough? I'm off to the B.C regs website to get the lowdown on any closures or special licensing I need to know about. Any tips or info would be greatly appreciated, I can tend to get stuck in a rut when it comes to fishing spots so I am really excited to fish somewhere new. Normally I would just explore it on my own but I only have 3 or 4 days and likely only during the evening so I'd like to roll out there slightly armed. Thanks in advance, Royce.
  6. I'm with you DBT, except I look like a fudgecicle because I don't wear shorts at work. Y'all should quit your complaining we have all of 20 days like this a year, suck it up, -33 is not so far off. Bring on the heat suckas!
  7. A guy definately has to try and take the high road in these situations. On the other hand to have something thrown at you and pops after turning your back to walk away deserves whatever comes next. I'm not much of a fighter, never have been but years ago after having some words with some dude who easily could have crumpled me, I too realised it was not worth losing any teeth over but he decided to push me from behind after I turned to walk away. I turned around and he got ready for a shoving match but I promptly gave him a knee in the groin that he will never ever forget, he went down in fetal position and I ran like a little girl. I felt guilty for about 2 seconds, he prolly can't have kids. Some guys just can't resist opening that can. Still, it sure sucks to have to deal with that crap while you're trying to unwind, even worse I'm sure it taught him nothing.
  8. sounds like a heck of a trip, it all makes for a good tale over the years. Can't wait for my first cutty of the season.....hopefully this week.
  9. I'm surprized he didn't get beats from the old boy whose rhubarb and potatoes he wiped out . Sorry about your luck. I hate thieves.
  10. I didn't even know there was the whole profile set up. The new format is really cool. I still think troutbabe is RFk. Sorry trout babe, you just seem like a really really good fishing story to me, deep pools, stimulators....sheesh I'm starting to sweat. As if the anticipation of chasing trout for the season wasn't enough. As far as April goes I'll bet she gets first cast on many a pool. Good for her. I'll never be too much of a man to be challenged by a woman, bring it on.
  11. but do you have a helicopter and a appetite for bull trout?
  12. weedy you took the words right out of my mouth. thats hilarious. I'm sure it's him..er...her.
  13. dube

    Bug Spray

    I'll have to try and find some of this stuff. I've used the military grade deet (bug fug) awesome stuff but really bad for you I think, I use the muskol oil and basically douse my clothes really well with it, then I just do a light mist with the aerosol on forearms and neck. You still get bit but at least they don't swarm you as bad. I'd definately like to try an effective alternative, sadly most of the one's on the market right now kinda suck. I'll be interested to see if it works, thanks for the link.
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