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Everything posted by dryfly

  1. dryfly

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    I wonder how the closure of the cod fishery has affected the inland fisheries, like your brookie pond. Folks starved for fish are whacking brookies perhaps. I wonder. Have a great vacation on the Rock. Clive
  2. esleech .. That is perhaps the most appropriate thread title ever, "The Real Greatest Outdoor Show On Earth." And people ask us whey we fly fish and let 'em go. "Couldn't have asked for a better day, and enjoyed the scenery and the solitude." Thanks for the great report. You are a wise man. Clive
  3. Either a serious casting error or a badly matched line and rod. Casting is firm. Sounds like not enough power on the forward cast..... Problem: During the forward and back cast, too little power is applied to the rod. Without enough power on the back cast, the line will start to fall to the ground instead of straightening out behind. Without enough power on the forward cast, the line will pile up or the fly and leader will fail to straighten out properly. Solution: Apply more power to both the back and forward casts. Fly casting is delicate, but deliberate power must be applied to both forward and back cast. This solution is hard for people to grasp. It may be because fly-fishing is perceived as being gentle. It’s gentle in that the fly and leader—when dry-fly fishing—normally must land gently on the surface. But firm power must be applied to the back and forward casts to give proper direction to the fly line.
  4. Hey girl...you copy it to DVD yet? Kidding. Kidding. Kidding. Please forgive me.
  5. Not sure if details were posted here or not. Not much info here, but one wonders about a tube on a river. Buddy of mine tipped a tube on a lake once and would have been in real serious trouble had he been alone and in bad weather--we were able to row to him and get him to shore. He could not get upright. It was the second tipping for him so he slashed the tube and bought a PT. Clive
  6. Yeah a hungry bull will eat that. Cool. I never ceases to amaze me how small a fish will eat a large streamer. Good luck. The next step is a fly this big.
  7. It was more enjoyable and will be building another. Great stuff. Let me know when mine is done, and I'll come over and pick it up.
  8. Thanks. My home page is here ... It's pretty messy ... lots of links (and links within those pages). Cheers, Clive
  9. Failing all of the above .... First, with a soft/hard object (a dinner knife handle wrapped in cloth), super gently tap the offending ferrule section and then with two people gripping the sections with two hands firmly pull away and twist slightly in opposite directions. Good luck.
  10. This is he and one of his buds...the 4X4 at the bottom is from the same area last fall... Their antlers will sprout for a couple of more weeks. Will be rather large by then. . .
  11. Man there are a lot of huge deer in the Pincher area. This shot is not the best quality -- light was waning and I was handholding a 500-mm lens. This critter will make at least 4 by 5 and probably 5 by 5. Rack is huge and makes the head look small. Will try again in a couple of weeks to "shoot" this brute.
  12. Nice fishy Lynn. Fat and pretty. We fished the Crow in Wed afternoon and it was sublime. Lots of willing rainbows in a relatively unfished reach. Thur was 37°C at the campground. Cooled down well at night--thank God. I played grumpa for three days with the kidlets....too damn hot to fish. Took kids to the Bellevue mine tour on Thur when it was a bazillion outside....7°C inside the mine. Brrrr....Also took GD and buddy to a small pond on Thur night..no fish....lotas caddisflies tho....the girls had a ball trying to cast.
  13. Thanks guys. Maybe a picky point ... To be pickier...a "freezer full" would also be illegal in all jurisdictions -- so it is really way off base. No different than an ad that said a "freezer full" of bull trout. "Yes....[can't] eat shellfish" And trout and salmon and most of not all forms of seafood and fish ... protein intolerance ... same for eggs as well. Bummer. Literally.
  14. Dave: Oh Lordy, ya ain't gonna like me then. DBT...bummer. Teach ya for playing baseball ... good arm. In hindsight ... next time take pictures and email them with details to one of the Pass F&W guys ... I'll give you his email. They love license plate numbers too. Pictures good. And if dorkhead objects, tough. It's a free country. You can take pictures of whatever you want in situations like this. Ho man, I am the world's biggest wimp and pacifist. I hate physical confrontations. Book 'em Dano. GOOD LUCK!!
  15. "...does it really affect us here?" IMHO, indirectly, yes, by promoting unsustainable harvest of a precious resource. The wording is simply wrong. I've nothing against whacking some fish now and then. But it is not acceptable to promote concepts such as in this ad. I was on the sidelines during the Police Outpost efforts and you would not believe the BS we heard about people's right to kill trout at will. Have a read at DBT's post titled, "Stupidity." Yes, this affects us all.
  16. Dave: Man, this is going to sound super bitchy. I don't even want to know the headaches you have with running a site like this. It costs time and money and you have to advertise. We all appreciate your efforts and the site is a handy recreation. Thanks. There's an ad at the bottom of the home page that seems in conflict with conservation efforts of many fly anglers, TUC and Walleye Unlimited. None of us mind the concept of catching a lot of fish, but the ad goes way too far in suggesting "Bag a freezer full of walleye every time ..." Man the BS we had to go through with "whack and stackers" to get the Police Outpost regs changed. (They are a long way from being a done deal.) Killing fish is considered a right by many ... and screw conservation. As one biologist says, "Yeah so they can throw out freezer-burned fish in six months." I think this should be brought up with the advertiser and the wording changed. Cheers! Clive
  17. We will probably never know about down eyes equalling stress or non stress. My observation indicates that more stressed fish tend to have down eyes. Now it is really interesting to see artwork of underwater swimming fish. One presumes the artists used photographs as models. And sometimes it is apparent they used down-eye pictures. Swimming trout eyes are straight sideways for sure. Here are some golden trout at the San Diego Sea World and the brood rainbows at the Raven hatchery. Those Raven brood trout as soooooo relaxed it's like they were smoking weed. Hey doooooooood.....
  18. Two air bubbles near as I can tell.
  19. These are variations of midges as they sit in the surface when/after emerging. They crawl out of the shuck on the surface. The top two show the shuck which is a fine griz hackle tip. One has the Antron wing and one without. The bottom one is a winged midge dry only. Simple ties.
  20. Good thoughts Bob Loblaw. Thanks. I love to catch fish. We all do. And we'd quit if we never touched a fish. But the reality actually landing a lot of fish or a specific fish is not a big deal, eh? Chidders raises a great point too. Man it is so cool to just stand next to a buddy who is trying a fussy fish and just watch. I need to catch fish, but the total numbers don't have to be high. I've had lots of 2 and 3-hour outings on th Crow and landed two or three fish and been delighted. Numbers just no longer seem to be a large deal. Oh I get a little down if I've landed three fish and buddy has landed ten fish. But provided I am being entertained and provided I am fishing well and catching a few fish I am totally happy. I am not sure what the actual maximum number I can count to, but it is around seven fish. I can keep count till about seven and if it is a "hot" day after that it all becomes a blur and counting becomes pointless and it seems I can't count higher than seven anyway. "How many did you get today?" I am asked. And if it's been a real banner day. I think , "Okay I know I caught seven fish as I remember counting that high. And then a couple around the corner. And two or three on the West bank..and one at the log jamb. And some more here..." And somewhere along the way you decide you had an outstanding day (you already knew that anyway ... without doing the "gozintas") and maybe landed between 15 and 18 fish. Who knows? Who cares? (I don't catch that many fish more than a few days per year. No need to anyway.) Hell I've had days where I've been gunning for one fish in particular and been damn happy just to get a hit from the fussy bastard. And if I land it two days later--well I am in heaven. Two weeks ago I raised a fish in a specific spot on the Crow. (EVERYONE walks right by the fish. It won't be there as soon as the water drops 10 cm more. It or another will be there next year.) The next day a friend also raised it when I told him where it was. Last week another friend tried it and we'd could not see it. That day, I left and three hours later he spooked it out of th spot. Well the next day (last Friday) it was there again and it rolled on a salmonfly but not spooked. It just moved into another pocket 5 m upstream. He he he. I tied on a green drake and watched it roll on the fly from about 20 feet away. I landed it. A sweet 17/18-inch rainbow. That could not have been any better had it been 22 inches. It was sweet. Lucky me. That bugger took (what??) five attempts over two weeks. As for messing up. Ask TerryH. I was nymphing the other day and had landed four rockies in a row. (Rocky IV.) Then a medium rainbow simply nails the BAW and takes off sideways at light speed ... there was line everywhere and it jerked the rod from my hand and I grabbed it midair with my other hand. An incredible gong show that should be on YouTube. Thanks again for the musings Bob Loblaw. Happy Canada day to everyone. We are blessed to live here. Makes me misty.
  21. HA HA HA.... I think anyway. Okay it was NOT funny at the time, right? Have to change yer shorts later? Where the heck were you guys? Man it was non stop lightning for one hour form our safe vantage point. I really wish it had been (safely) closer to us.
  22. HA HA HA HA HA ... Thilly guy. *hit man from our vantage point THAT was one wicked storm. And Old Dave said it was headed for Claresholm.
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