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Posts posted by bhurt

  1. Man do I love my life and my work.


    Once again I am stuck at work, person suppose to come in decieded to pull a no show (This is a diffrent person, 2 people in less then a week, starting to wonder if I smell)


    Not as long as tuesday but I am here again from 6am till 5:15pm with no breaks again.


    But on the bright side as of saturday I am off for the next 2 weeks, and if work thinks I am going to answer my cell phone they are sadly mistaken.

  2. Well it is now 7pm and the night person decieded to not show up so I am here till close at 9pm then back here at 6am tomorrow, kind of hard to think happy thoughts when all I can think of is taking someone into the wood, ting them to a tree with barb wire then aprey them with hairsprey (In case you did not know hair sprey is a excellarator, sp?) and then light them on fire.


    I think it is time I get some professional help if these are the thopughts running through my head.

  3. I have to agree with Mark, I have well used all my airflo lines and if you know me you know my lines are constantly getting hit by uv light every day all year, were I also store my stuff my lines are constantly going through big tempature changes too, could be very cold in the morning, very hot during the day then cold at night, and still to this day I still use the same line I bought 3 years ago, I fish my spey rod about 100+ times a year and I know other people that use their spey all the time and fish over 200+ days a years and have absoultly no wear in the line.


    Only line I ever destroyed was a crappy Rio line which I absoultly hated the tapper of their compact skagit line.


    BTW, very impressed with the new Ridgeline cold shooting line.


    I have been testing out the frog hair shoot line at .024 nice to hold onto but I do find the line slipping out of my fingers on occassion.

  4. :$*%&: :$*%&: :$*%&: :$*%&: :$*%&:


    Well today is a great day, started work at 6am it is now 4:45pm still have 30mins of work left.....


    Haven't had a break yet today and as a smoker I feel like I am going to chew my hand off, I know I am entitled to breaks but when there is no one to cover you and your the boss you just have to suck it up.


    Just incase anyone is wondering, yeah I am ranting, its either that or I start going crazy on the customers.



  5. Roast,


    As we discussed the only reason we went this way is to help you get a feel for the load with a heavier line, as you improve your casting you can lighten up you line if you wish, it will come down to what type of caster you are and what you like. As it was your first road I choose the heavier line for you so you could get the feel for it and have more sucess, as you improve you may wish to lighten up the line, but for now I would suggest getting the basic "FUNDELEMNTALS" to casting down before you lighten up your line. Greg actually knows that rod very well as me and him fished with it alot over the years I owned it. BTW how you like the reel you got with it, I never used that reel but have been hearing alot of good things about the admusdsum feather weight reels


    Remeber everyone has a place that they like to cast, myself I am a bit of a lazy caster as greg will diffently agree with so I like my lines a bit heavier. For example I just put on a 480grain compact skagit for my streamer rod and absoultly love it, while others find it a bit heavier, if it is in the grain window of the rod then you should not have any problems with it.


    As for tips it comes down to what you using, I know a few guys (Myself included) that do not like using poly leaders while others I know love using them. Greg will also talk about how he loves his full sink lines (Which I might add are very nice) but personally I like using tips instead, but that is more of a personal choice then anything else.

  6. It is usually prudent not to make assumptions about someone you don't know and know nothing about.

    But wait arn't you making assumptions about other people and that is why you don't want to share information with that said person cause your afraid they "MIGHT" destroy you run.


    Maybe you should watch what you are saying......

  7. I would like to point out that not all guides are jackass, I know a few that will shout out from their boat across the river to give someone a pointer or to tell them what is working.


    This thing about beeing secert and not saying anything to anyone really burns me as this is what makes up an "ELITIST"


    Also as I understand this forum was created to share information with everyone and to build a friendly community, I suggest to everyone that doesn't agree with those two simple concepts to not come back to this forum as it will only make you mad and give you headachs, but hey who am I, I'm a nobody so just ignore me.

  8. Since we have all these "sharing" people on this forum, it might be interesting to "share" how we decide what fly we tie on. Since fly selection accounts for at least some part of the reason for fishing success and whenever asked about fishing success the inquiring angler always asks what fly you're using, then fly selection has to be consider to be an important ingredient to fishing success.


    Now I appreciate that the significance of fly selection will carry more weight to some than to others. Some might suggest that fly selection contributes about 10% to your fishing success. Others might rate fly selection higher. Regardless, I'm pretty sure everyone would conceded that fly selection is an important aspect of one's ability to catch fish.


    For those who consistently enjoy a fair amount of fishing success, there must be a reason they are consistently into fish. And since the table fare of a trout changes from day to day, week to week, month to month, and sometimes even hour to hour, how is it that these consistently active anglers can roll with these table fare changes and continue to get into fish? For the successful fly caster, there has to be more to fly selection than just trial and error.


    So that's the question. How do you decide what fly or flies to use? And what prompts you to change the fly or flies you're using?


    Since alot of people have told you what they are using how about you tell us now what you are using, or are you one of those people that you ranted about in your privesouse post?


    BY the way, I flip rocks and look at the water and see what is out there, then I select my fly that best immitates of that bug and a way I go.


    Most of my sucess on the bow river comes from keeping a fish jornal that allows me to look at years past and see what was working at what time of year and I also get out roughly 150 days a year if not more, I fish in the winter, spring, and summer.


    The more you fish the more sucess you will have.


    In ending if you do not tell us what you are using well one word comes to my mind and that is Hipac.......


    Have a nice day and I hope you have leeched all the info you need.

  9. Personally I share all knoweldge (with the exception of locations) with eveyone I meet on the river. My own personal thought is I think it is very selfish not to share knoweldge with others as there had to be some time that someone else shared some type of information with someone.


    Is it really bad to tell someone what hook you have one, I most of the time generlize what type of fly I use, ie I will say a yellow copper john, I might not add that it has rubber legs, but anything to get the person some secusses is well worth me sharing information. I will even go as far as to explain to the person why that fly will work (In relationship to bugs on the water)


    I'm am sure everyone on this board has one time or another walked into a flyshop and asked what is working, and for a person not to share the information with other, well you know.......


    Also how many books have we all read that is diffently someone sharing information with others.


    Also I find with holding information or giving false information is pretty selfish and elists attitude, do we want a friendly community where people are niot afraid to talk to others and share information or do we want a community full of "I's"


    I for one would not have meet all my great mentors and friends if it wasn't for them beeing free with information.

  10. So what you are saying is...Calgary has not had a day over 29 degrees so far this year...we have had a ton of rain...it has been way colder than normal...and the mosquitoes have taken over the city in the late afternoon/early evening...and you try to make us feel better by noting we will be ice fishing soon.




    I like ice fishing...


    Ice fishing, why not just normal fishing on the bow during the winter time?


    I also use bug sprey and the pest don't bother me.


    On a side note I will take skidders any day over the Nosiems you find in BC. I have scares from their bities from the begining of the month when I was on vacation in BC

  11. I wish my boats lasted for more then a year, but the amount of wear and tear I put on them it is diffently worth the money. In my experince my boots falls apart before the laces, the only time the laces fell apart was when I really needed to replace my boots but didn't have the money at the time, but after that I make sure I have a spare 200 in my account in case I need to replace my boots.

  12. Ya not mine. I like a bit bigger and Blonde ;)



    BBT the only reason you like the bigger ones is cause through pass experinces you have found that with the smaller one all you do is crush it and pop it.


    As for the comment about the random camping jerks I fully understand the fustrations of these people but not all random campers are jerks there are some good people that do random camp and it is not fair to them when other people classifie them in the same catagory as the jerks that are destroying everything around them. So please remeber that not all random campers are jerks (I know you probably did not mean it like that Don but that is the way I read it, no hate just wanted to say my 2 cents.)


    Just a side note to anyone that is random camping that when leaving your site please make sure you have completely put out your fire, and this means make sure the coals are not still warm as they can start a fire and then it is a unattented fire and who knows what the hell might happen, too many times I have been out camping with people and all they do is douse the fire with water and you wake up in the morning and there is a small fire going in the pit. Hot coals = fire.


  13. Intresting information but what I really wanna know is WHY would I want to pick up one of these sticks. WHAT makes it better then the rods I presently own (Goran Anderson 6112, Loop Multi 7130, and Goran Anderson 9126)


    Alot of times I find there is not much information on Why and What when buying or replacing a rod, that I just shurg my shoulders and skip it.

  14. So today I get another "unsolicited" promotional text from Rogers regarding some useless service that I'm sure they will ding me more $ for...


    Anyway, I called Rogers customer service to have them stopped... So the agent says that I don't get charged for them and that they can't stop them, but for and extra $5/month I can set up something to have them stopped... yeah right!!


    I don't have many complaints with their service (other then the cost that they [and all cell providers in Canada] charge) - I have a very basic package with NO contract, but this is just BS, you can't stop an unsolicited promo text! Bull$hit!! I should have given him the line, I guess i'll go with Telus, Bell or Wind, then as they don't send unsolicited texts!!





    I am on a pay and go and I get promo offers texted to me all the time from Telus, plus I get once a month in a mail, about how I should go on a 3 year contract.

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