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Posts posted by DonAndersen

  1. Whether or not all his stuff suits your particular view point is immaterial. He's putting a face to ugly abuses of our trout streams. Nobody else is doing it in a public way.

    So what if he get carried away occasionally. At Least, unlike many, he is attempting to get change.

    Now if the rest of us "concerned citizens" would develop some balls, maybe the stuff he posts would not occur.

    Nope, we're all mind ****ed because he doesn't do it or say it quite correctly.

    Like I said, the world is a strange place.



    • Like 1
  2. Good move on the Govts part.

    Just so ya' know, fishermen and hunters pay for the Report a Poacher program through a levy on your fishing licenses. Quadders pay...........nothing.

    The only enforcement officer getting things done is Corporal Howse of the Rocky Detachment. He needs to be replicated throughout Alberta.

    Let's get on K Divsions case and get him some help.



  3. Crows and magpies are scarce in Rocky. They have been driven out by Ravens. Ravens are not native species but have moved from BC into Alberta over the past 50 years. Our songbirds are gone as well.

    Magpies and crows can be killed where ever access is available. Ravens were managed differently. Not sure what is legal now.

    One thing that works are raven traps.

    The waste dump west of Rocky feeds hundreds of Ravens thereby keeping them alive all winter allowing the to prey at will on songbirds.

    A friend just hated the damn things. A&W foil wrap in a raven beak was just close enough to short our downtown power lines regularly. Problem solved. A&W changed to a paper bag - now the Ravens don't get thinned out by Trans Alta power.



  4. If I may chip in.

    Fly lines have nothing to do with the fish size. Fly lines are only to carry flies which in this case they are about the same size flies. But the rod is used to cast it and to fight the fish.

    The grain weight of the lines is what loading the rods. A 12wt tarpon rod blank is thick and stiff and will require more grain to make it bend and loaded.

    A 2wt rod blank is thin that only need light grain weight to load it.

    You can still use that 2wt fly line with 12wt tarpon rod and probably landing a 100lb tarpon with it, but you can't use a 2wt rod with 12wt line to land a tarpon.

    So big fish = big rod.


    The line weight must be high enough to transmit the energy to the fly. Small flies can be cast with any line weight however large flies require kind weights containing enough energy to move the fly.

    Ya don't shoot elephants with a pop gun.




  5. Ah *hit Clive,

    you want a fix a hundred year old problem. I figure that that cowboy welfare bums have sucked about a 1,000,000,000 outta the tax payer at the rate of 100,000,000/year.

    And don't forget the irrigators who freely spen a billion here and there to benefit themselves and destroy our fishery.

    Those are sins ongoing.


    Let's get them fixed.



  6. Smithy,


    Your thought have already been put into action. Beaver, Ironside, Fiesta and Alford all were paid for in part, a large part by sportsmen. The failure of these lakes was allowing people who were incapable of managing them to control the stocking and management and finally, the Areation.


    The lesson learned, get the whole operation out of the hands of Govt.


    The Manitoba Parkland is about to fail. The biologist responsible was transferred to northern Manitoba. There is no way any Govt employee is supposed to have a success. During his absence, the remaining bios did sweet tweet about the trout fishing. When the successful bio. returned, he found lakes with perch and walleye. Was he pissed. You bet.he has one year before retirement and then it's back to crappy management.




  7. I googled Riffle Runner and the latest reference I came across was 1980. I think your age is showing Don.. :D




    Mike, age or not, the Riffle Runner was used successfully on outboards to 50 hp. In my case, the big advantage, the whole thing got loaded onto or into the truck. I used it on a bunch of rivers.




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  8. Gals pal,


    For several years I used a Riffle Runner which was a poor man's jet system that bolted onto the cavation plate of a prop style outboard, My 9.9 was capable of 12 miles an hour upstream in the Bow. Used a 12' Harbourcraft boat.



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