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Everything posted by polegrl

  1. Sure beats the movies we had to watch in the AV room in my high school. Couldn't help but notice the warnings about the "older boyfriend". Am wondering why there isn't one titled, "entering cougar country".
  2. The back door business webcast has me looking at foot longs and peanut butter in a whole new light http://midwestteensexshow.com/
  3. My requirements are as follows: Isn't intimidated by the fact that I can: make a good apple pie, tie my own flies, fly fish, ride a motorcycle, get his friends to want to hang out with me, make good cash, and keep a good home better than him. Maybe he'll get to drive my porsche if he can drive it home (if you know what I mean).
  4. Hey are you a fisherman? Because you just caught my eye! Is that an Orvis sticking out of your waders or are you just happy to see me?
  5. We're busy with all the guys on here who not only flyfish but can also string together a sentence using proper grammar and spelling When I saw your topic - I thought it had something to do with Barbara Streisand flyfishing.
  6. I'm basically going to echo what others have said. I had some acupuncture for shoulder problems and found it did nothing. To get over my shoulder problems I had to do physio. I have heard people rave about active release, but have never done it myself. My doctor told me that if acupuncture was going to work that I would notice a difference right away but cautioned me that typically acupuncture only makes a noticeable difference 30% of the time. It might be that you are in the group where acupuncture works. Then again, it might just be placebo effect. I have friends who are physios and they always say that the way to soft tissue recovery is through physio (although they may have a vested self interest).
  7. NICE materials!
  8. SJW - Care to share details on the materials used? What's it called?
  9. Great suggestions! Thanks to all - I'll definitely check them out!
  10. Thanks Ladystrange for pointing me in the direction of the last thread basically on the same topic. I found myself in Chapters tonight reading Fly Fishing for Dummies. GROAN (but it was interesting). My friend and I just started this year so anything on technique, how to read a stream, etc. for the true novice would be interesting. Although, just like so many things in life...experience comes with doing As for my more "experienced" friend I'm thinking a book about fly fishing around the world. Thanks for the offer on the Forgotten Flies book SJW but a $500 markup from the Rare & Unusual website sounds like you're banking the money towards another doo-dad for your bikes
  11. It's that time of the year and I'm thinking of getting my fly fishing friends a book on fly fishing. Any recommendations? One friend is quite experienced - ties her own flies, has fished around the province, etc, etc. The other one (and myself) just stand around trying to look like we know what we're doing. Thx!
  12. In retrospect I guess my name could have a sexual connotation As a fishing noob who heard about this site by word of mouth...I just drop in to see what people are saying but don't have anything to add.......yet.
  13. Better post something to get in the action!
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