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Everything posted by firefrog

  1. Wow How about all those birds falling from the sky? Isn't it amazing how the media tries to drum up some reaction? OK, I think we can come up with some pretty good reasons/excuses/rants. I'll go on record to say that I think I caused it. I found a way to bend a laser beam to follow the earth's circumference. I was pointing it south-east, trying to take out my neighbor's cat and I missed. Unless someone else can come up with a more logical explanation, I'll take credit for it.
  2. My issue is not so much with Isaac as with the blasphemous tendency for people to interchange mass with weight. One of these days.................. As for the sumo wrestlers, they are not allowed on the ski hills because of the practice of tossing salt over their shoulders - it ruins the snow.
  3. What do I expect? 1 Effective planning and good judgement by so-called experts. 2 Competency in delivering these goods and services. 3 Use of proper equipment. 4 Good value for our tax dollars. Right now we are getting none of the above. If they didn't work on the residential streets at all, the results would be about the same; the costs would be quite less. Somehow I think even if they did have more funding, they wouldn't do a good job.
  4. So Q: When is snow removal not snow removal? A: When it's done by the City of Calgary. I observed 2 of these snow removal events in my neighborhood. Once a snowplow went by and scraped a little bit of snow. Another time a snowplow breezed through and sanded a few places. This is how our snow removal money is being spent?! Anyone will tell you that a snowplow doesn't clear snow; it just moves it out of the way. That's exactly what happened. It made a nice high ridge beside the parked cars. OK, it did level out the ruts for a while. This was done on the weekend!! Same with the sanding. Overtime, no doubt. What is going on? Are the people in charge that stupid? Who do they think they're fooling? Is this what's happening in all the neighborhoods? Anyone else upset about this?
  5. OK It starts with the sad realization that most crimes, violations, and shady business deals never come to light. The government spokeswoman worded her statement very carefully 'We want to make sure that if these high-alcohol products are available, that they are marketed appropriately'. Hmmmmm.......if they are available...........marketed appropriately. A possibility that makes sense? How about a marketing firm lost the contract for a particular beer - sour grapes. Then they directly, or indirectly pressured the government to take action based on health and safety concerns. Just an example; one could imagine others that make more sense than the official story. True, fact is stranger than fiction, but it just seems so unlikely that a provincial government, out of the blue, becomes concerned about youngsters drinking expensive beer. I'm not getting paid to do any investigating, so I don't. But if I did, I would start by finding the person who made the decision; then, find out who is related related to them; then look into the names that appear with theirs in other news stories; then how about companies who had their product banned; then use some creative reasoning. If the threads start showing, then you're onto something. As much as I dislike the media, I think they can do a great job of exposing injustice. Don't think this happens? Check out these stories: Saccharin banned - FDA approval of aspartame Mustard oil banned in North America - Monsanto - India connection You can read hours into these stories and become disgusted and shocked. People are going to believe what they want. All the possibilities and examples in the world probably won't change their minds. I, for one, believe that crooked deals are happening way too often. Cheers
  6. Well, Don't think it has anything to do with a nanny state or concerns about safety and well-being. My experience with higher-ups and politicians is that any time there is a story that doesn't make sense, there is personal agenda. Someone (or several) has an angle whereby they can somehow personally benefit. Then the trick is to cook up some excuse that they think people will believe. The result is ..........exactly what we see here. It's too bad that reporters aren't better at digging up the real story. There's lots of fodder out there. Cheers
  7. Yeah that's the stuff FNG - but maybe it's only available in the States. I don't want to buy it from the internet but rather in Calgary. Thanks Don, I'll check out the farmers market. It's the green tin I'm looking for. Mr. Winkie, indeed.
  8. Thanks Gaf. That's not the stuff I'm looking for though. Apparently they still make the menthol salve, but I haven't seen it in ages.
  9. Hey Does anybody know where I can buy some Watkins menthol salve? This is the most awesome stuff made. I have been looking for ages - maybe I'm just a lousy shopper. Lots of talented, smart folks here, so I figured there's bound to be a hit. Cheers
  10. Hey Does anyone remember what it was like years ago? Before the consolidating and cuts and controversy.............. Well, I do. Some of the the hospitals and health regions were very well run, but they were the exception. When the doctors ran things it was a good ole boys club. There was practically zero accountability. Now we have a doctor at the reins again. They talk about more local control etc. Man, there were just as many problems with that system before. This is gonna get uglier long before it gets better. One step backwards, and two steps back.
  11. Hey You may have heard that mayor Nenshi lately said that he wants to hear from Calgarians about how to trim the City budget. Well, maybe Nenshi wants to hear this, but it looks like a lot of the City employees don't. I followed the link and read some of the suggestions - there's no shortage. You can tell some of the recommendations are coming from actual City employees and people in-the-know. I tried to add a comment myself. Seems to be full. It didn't go through and there's no more new suggestions being posted. Imagine that. The video there shows Eric Sawyer saying that his department has already put together proposals for council. He then says that concerned citizens can be heard at a scheduled meeting next week. Sounds like the right hand doesn't know what the left is doing. Do you really think 'concerned citizens' will be heard at a meeting? (maybe a couple, if there is time - is that a good representation?) So, what's with this Calgarians' input thing on the webpage - a smokescreen? This is like a well-trained olympic cyclist trying entering a race on a tricycle. http://www.calgarycitynews.com/2010/11/cit...s-proposed.html
  12. Hey Please tell me they are not wasting more taxpayers' money doing this. I suppose this is a 'nice' thing for some. Ya think better planning and looking up instead of texting would work just as well? Maybe listen to the traffic reports on the radio. I saw another electronic speed sign in my neighbourhood. Imagine peoples' surprise when they actually check their speedometer and (how can that be?)... it's the same as the sign. Yes, you really ARE speeding. Why must some people complicate such simple things? I'm not sure I want to hear answers to that one.
  13. A more relevant question is: Are you ready to stop using fossil fuels and pay the price for it? It CAN be done.........................but we all know the answer to that one. Sigh.
  14. New Movie: Kim-Jong-Il and Bugs Bunny star in 'Waiter! There's a Hare in my Coup!'
  15. Hey This recent article caught my eye. Don't know why it wasn't front-page news. Bow River Coconuts Captured CALGARY - Chaparral resident Rusty Thirst claims to have pulled out two actual coconuts from the Bow River. 'I was just walking along the riverbank, not drinking or anything. Then I noticed this big hairy dude throwing objects into the river. I happened to have my camera, so I snapped a few photos.' He showed pictures clearly depicting a sasquatch running along the riverbank, tossing 'coconuts' into the river. Mr. Thirst waded into the frigid waters and retrieved the objects. 'They're coconuts, alright. I'm sure of that!' he added. 'I used to be a teacher, you know.' The objects were later analyzed and found to be rolls of brown, enviro-friendly toilet paper. Residents are reminded to stay out of the river this time of year, and not to approach any suspicious-looking people along its banks.
  16. So Calgary's auditor was given the boot. I smell a rat - no, several. Tobert has been carrying on lately like a blubbering, paranoid schoolyard bully who came up against someone's big brother. Don't we know how this is going to end? We will never find out the truth or who are responsible for the City's deplorable business practices. How many more reasons do we need to all get out and vote this next election? As Spock said - 'Remember.'
  17. Welcome Flypodz Pick up the two volumes of a book called The Kananaskis Country Trail Guide - also Barry Mitchell's Alberta Fishing Guide, then dig in. There are literally dozens of places that would qualify. I don't where to start. Just get out and enjoy the summer! Cheers
  18. Coconuts Yeah, right. Sure some people claim to have seen them. This is all a publicity stunt. Sasquatch, Ogopogo, now this. They're probably just balls of yarn, or water balloons. Till I see actual photos or someone captures one, I can chalk this up to mass hallucinations and overactive imaginations. Coconuts..................................jeez.
  19. Hi Good points LS. You'd make a fine neighbor. Just for the record, I'm quite laid back and tolerant...........until someone crosses the line (and we all draw that line in different places). I'm also not confrontational. So now folks are saying 'Yeah, right. So why did you approach that person in the first place?' Answer: because I saw something that COULD have been stopped immediately. I tried and failed. I fully understand that some people would think of me as a nazi. My goal was just short-term. Yep, the car wash water goes into the sanitary sewer. Some of the better car washes actually recycle some of the water and separate it on-site. I work in water treatment. Our wastewater plants handle such waste quite well. The water exiting the plants is clean. There is no reason to bypass this route. Cheers.
  20. Well It's that time of year again (mind you, there's no season for idiots). My neighbors seem to think it's OK to wash their car in the street or back alley. I've done this with three different neighbors. Once again, I tried to 'inform and educate'. I start off with a hello and ask if they're using soap or cleaner, then ask why. I tell them that the water goes into the storm sewer and into the river without treatment. The response usually starts off like 'oh, it's just a little bit......no harm', or 'it's sinking into the ground; it's OK'. I assert that it's not OK and it's against the law. Then they get belligerent. I warn them that I'll report them next time and there's bad feelings about. As far as I can see, it's a complete waste of time. I hate to just go out there with a camera, but that's the only thing that will work. I can't figure it. They know it's wrong. This guy had just purchased a new pressure washer. Probably thought he'd save a bundle and wash his own car. ????? I'd say he paid about $100 for it. I reckon that by the time that washer breaks down, he could have spent the same amount of money and went to the car wash - where the wastewater is disposed properly. Dear Abby: why is it so hard for some people to comply?
  21. Hey I read in the news that the Parking Authority will be asking city council to increase fines for parking in a handicap parking stall. $500 is the figure that's going around. Since I never park in those stalls, this shouldn't bother me at all - but it does. Here's why: 1. Let's take two scenarios. a) Some moron threatens life, limb, and property by driving carelessly on busy city streets. He gets a reckless driving ticket for $500. Everyone applauds and says he deserves it. A poor schmuck slips into a store for a few minutes. He parks in a handicap stall. He gets a ticket for $500. Everyone applauds and says he deserves it. What's wrong with this picture? When was the last time you heard of a handicapped person getting killed or seriously hurt because they didn't have immediate access to convenient parking? When was the last time you heard of someone getting injured in an auto accident? Not taking sides, but it just seems rather imbalanced. 2. The handicap parking system is one of the most abused privileges in this country. I'll wager over half of the people parked in handicap stalls aren't handicapped. They borrow permits from others, or aren't carrying anyone who is handicapped. If a $500 fine is appropriate, then these clowns should be fined DOUBLE for using false pretenses. Such people need their collective anuses (ani?) kicked. Even so, that puts us at $1000 for a parking violation. Huh? Superstore has a unique solution. They do have handicap parking stalls, but they are not the closest ones to the store. I go there a lot and I don't see these stalls filled at all - or people parking there without a permit. Isn't that strange? Personally, I wouldn't mind if the whole handicap stall feature was scrapped. We definitely do have to cater to the handicapped, but there has to be a better system.
  22. Hey I think the garbage limit is a bad idea. Take my neighbors (please). There is no way in hell they could live with the limit. I see a minimum 5 bags per week in the alley. I've seen them burning garbage and furniture in their back yard. I call Bylaw and they deny everything - they never get caught. Do you think trailer-trash like them will pay extra for garbage?! They will NEVER be a part of the solution. Also, where is the return on a few dollars fee? Think of the administration costs. I think there are only 2 options that will work: 1 Catch them and nail them to the cross. 2 Implement a system that caters to their irresponsible, destructive actions. Both options are costly to the taxpayer. I see a pile of garbage on my way to work every day. Each week it gets bigger and bigger. There is stuff there like staircase railings and a shuffleboard. Obviously this pig loads his truck up. Why can't he just continue to the landfill? I don't think there's a big enough baseball bat to hammer this guy's head. I hope the cops are watching this pile of trash. Hmmm I just got an idea. Cheers
  23. Well I've heard of spraying them with pepper spray. Apparently they take off like a, well.........scared rabbit. It's kinda cruel because rabbits have no eyelids. If vinegar doesn't work, use sugar. We put all our refuse vegetables beneath a tree in our front lawn. Something is eating them and so far nothing has touched our flowers and berries. I saw something unique in the Okanagan last year. People were playing recordings of raptors to keep away the sparrows. Might work. Do you like Hasenpfeffer? Remember Bugs Bunny cartoons? Cheers.
  24. Politics, mostly. This just shows the shortsightedness of our government. Someone is usually making a quick buck, with little regard for the consequences. What often happens is that private campgrounds nearby will 'influence' the closure. In some cases, private companies will actually take over the contract for campground maintenance. Then they offer poor service (for good compensation, I might add). Even if there is an outcry, it will be a year before a new contract is awarded. By that time the damage has been done - final nails in the coffin. What choice does the consumer have but to go to a better campground and pay more?(or random camping as suggested) Just so happens that the 'better' campgrounds are run by the same company that got the contract for the other campground. They just pocket the money or invest it in their own campground. I would like to see the details of some of these dealings. Is it available from FOIP? Maybe we can do a little prying here. Cheers
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