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  1. Yeah I'm wondering the results too...
  2. Anyone know the tying ingredients for the "Campbell Pink" ??
  3. Hey all. I just bought an okuma integrity reel, and i was just wondering how to switch it from right to left hand retrieve. i bought it used for pike, so i don't have an instruction manual. Thanks!!!
  4. Thank you Penask. Yes, we are working with Jack Simpson on conducting this survey. Input is desired, specifically from Western Canadian anglers.
  5. The sole purpose of this survey is to determine the specific fly fishing rod configuration that a general cross-section of the fly fishing community would use in their own, personal applications. The names, email addresses of the respondents will NOT be used in any way, other than to identify the survey response and to chose a draw prize winner. The overall results of the survey will assist a Canadian company to build and supply to the market, a better fly rod product and perhaps, identify a product that may have been omitted by fly rod manufacturers. **All of those persons completing the survey below will have their name entered in a draw for a Fly Combo. The winner will be given a choice of models. **TO SUBMIT THIS SURVEY & ENTER YOUR NAME AND EMAIL ADDRESS FOR THE DRAW PRIZE: **COPY AND PASTE THE COMPLETED SURVEY IN AN EMAIL AND SEND TO: FlyRodSurvey@gmail.com thank you for you time, effort and knowledge in completing this survey. NAME:_______________________________________________________ AGE:________ PROVINCE/STATE OF RESIDENCE:____________________________ YEARS OF FLY FISHING EXPERIENCE?:___________ WHERE DO YOU FLY FISH?: LARGE LAKES_____ SALTWATER_____ STILLWATERS_____ STREAMS_____ RIVERS______ OTHER(Please specify)_______________________________ FLY RODS: HOW MANY "REGULARLY USED RODS" DO YOU OWN?:_________________(This information will NOT be relayed to any other member of your family !) REGULARLY USED FLY ROD CONFIGURATIONS: LINE WEIGHT # OF PIECES LENGTH ACTION(M-moderate) (MF-mod-fast) (F-fast) -___________ _______ ________ _____ -___________ ______ ________ _____ -__________ ______ ________ _____ -__________ ______ ________ _____ -__________ ______ ________ _____ -__________ _______ ________ _____ -__________ _______ ________ _____ -__________ ______ ________ _____ -__________ ______ ________ _____ IF you had the opportunity to have THE ULTIMATE FLY ROD built for you, what would be the configuration? Line Weight: _________ # of Pieces:______ Length:_________ Action:_________ Additional notes: Thank You
  6. my bad, hogstoppah, it was gelinas. i just remember iginla arguing the call.
  7. WTF? what's with these mickey mouse penalty calls? The Flames aren't gonna win if they have 4 players the whole f%$in game. I hate the reffing in this series. They're always in favor of these California teams and Florida teams Big conspiracy to make the American invented teams win. Remember Iginla's stanley cup winner in 2004??? F#%K!!!!!
  8. Looks like you did better than with The Dodger.
  9. Amen to that Brian! I've always been a huge fan of both teams. If Edmonton's playing Calgary, I cheer for Edmonton, but If Calgary is playing any of the other 29 teams, it's go flames go. Hockey fans need to start cheering for Alberta and Canadian teams because Betman is watering down hockey so teams like Carolina, Tampa Bay, and Anaheim are winning the cup.....places that don't even have frickin ice, yet the have ice hockey teams....I guess it's all about the $$$$$ to a former New York lawyer. Even last night in front of thousands of Edmontonians, Corb Lund admitted that if Calgary is playing anyone but Edmonton, he's cheering Calgary on...thought that was kind of cool. P.S. Don't call me a "bandwagon" fan because I like more than one team. lol.
  10. drshoal

    North Vi

    Great pics guys, looks like a fun trip!
  11. Sorry, didn't realize you were looking for an intermediate sink line. I always would have to recommend Rio Aqualux. sweet line.
  12. haha. both jokes are actually pretty decent
  13. Rio Grand is pretty sweet for fast action fly rods.
  14. Amen to that hawgstoppah!
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