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Neil Waugh

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Everything posted by Neil Waugh

  1. No cows=no cheque. Now that just so darn unfair, Taco. Cuz if you'd hit the BSE Bingo again I'm almost certain my pal Don Andersen would have taken it off your hands for one of those weed rods he whittles. 14 head at $100 per would just about do it. I got a nice Orvis Battenkill Mid Arbor with my last double dip of Ralph Bucks. Please accept my condolences. I can feel yer pain, cowboy.
  2. By the way Taco, I see your buddy from Blackie is handing out the Cowboy Welfare cheques again. Quick quiz. How does an Alberta rancher double his income? He sets up a second mail box.
  3. Does have its similarities. Although I suspect wild range cows up in the forestry all summer are a little easier to herd.
  4. Yer best bet is to go to a branding party, Taco. You might get stepped on, pooped on, bit by your hoss, eaten up my mozzies, wreck your Smithbilt and put your truck in the rubarb on yer way home. But at least you've had more fun than fishing the mud. Up here in the boreal we suffer in silence.
  5. No accident of nature. Tigers are frankenfish right out of the Sask. gov't labs. The lake's name is Burtlein, Taco.
  6. Tiger, tiger burning bright. In Saskatchewan's Narrow Hills.
  7. Everything's blown out up here, Clive. Although I can appreciate your enthusiasm, a little less of it would be appreciated. At least it put out the fires.
  8. Len Mitzel's Alberta Hunting, Fishing and Trapping Heritage Act if now in third reading down at the Alberta legislature. It was inspired by Dr. Ted and he said as much at the AFGA convention in Feb. It says we have the right. All you Calgary Liberals on this board take note.
  9. If only it was, Barnsey. Nope it's a Reddington that they were all but giving away in Cabellas Bargain Cave a few years back. The line's just the eight weight sinker for my Sage. I'm still undergoing an internal debate on whether to buy the Orvis multi-tip system or just go the old Scotland way with two lines and a spare spool. Here's a rockie I took out of the same pool. Could be the biggest one I've caught in my life. This is not bragging. Just for the record.
  10. Caught this bullie with my 15 footer the other day. Just thought I'd share it with my fellow two-handers.
  11. Yesterday at the legislature when Steady Eddie was rolling out TILMA - his deal with Gouging Gordo to roll back trade and labour barriers between the two provinces - I put the classified waters question to him. And he said this: "It's something that's not fair." Couldn't agree more. Especially if you made a good faith investment in East Kootenay recreational property. But Ron Stevens jumped in and said it wasn't something the Alberta PCs were likely going to do anything about. Stelmach also revealed that they had a go round on the issue at the "historic" joint cabinet minister a couple years back. One of the bureaucrats at the earlier technical briefing also sugggested that the $20-a-day rod fees are something that could be used to haul the BC Liberals before the TILMA disputes panel. When and if it's ever created. Hopefully it doesn't work the other way and Campbell gets to export his 2.4 cents a litre "green" tax that he's going to slap dim B.C. votrs with on Canada Day east of the Rockies. Now that would be unfair.
  12. An interesting discussion took place at Saturday's Fisheries Roundtable in Edmonton on Alberta fishing guide licenses. And in particular the Fernie and Cranbrook guys who continue to run our rivers while Albertans are shut out of the East Kootenays. Or are forced to pay the $20-a-day rod tax. So is it time to register guides? If nothing else than to kick the BC clowns off our rivers until Gordo drops the discrimatory classified river fees. Morton in his speech also noted that he's feeling the pressure to retaliate in some way. He certainly has my vote.
  13. Another from Scotland. Named after a famous salmon pool on the River Ayr.
  14. Here's a kinda neat one from Scotland.
  15. Here's a Montana brew that's the "official" beer of Montana TU.
  16. Tac, no Atha-bows that I'm aware of in the Pembina (Tako I hope I'm not letting the cat out of your bag). It one of those neat deals where you get brookies and grayling. There are rockies in there too of course. Now that's a combo that doesn't exist too many places. Kind of like your little cuttie. Which, if I've got my drainage figured right, may well be the only true "west sloper" in the entire province. I'm sure you know this but Corb dedicated the new Horse Soldier CD to Nathan Hornburg, the ranch kid from Nanton who sadly didn't make it home from Afghanistan with the Lord Strathcona Horse. He was a call up from the King's Own. Corb closed the show with a bugler from the Royal Canadian Artillery Band blowing reville. It was pretty touching. Even a tough old cowboy like you might have got a spec of dust in your eye.
  17. Nope, Taco, the rod's an old Farlow. But I have admired one of Don's sweet 5-weights on many an occasion. And one of these days.... I just got in from our man Corb's show at Rexall Place. Where he did Always Keep an Edge on Your Knife. And dedicated Rodeo Rider to his Uncle Lyn, who he said isn't feeling too good.
  18. Here's a cute Coal Brancher. AGs and Atha-bows.
  19. Yikes Allan, yer not going to let that water wolf you've got in yer mits loose in Tac's little Porkie crik?
  20. Beauty Taco. With native West Slopers too. Here one of my Fort Mac favs. Anyone else want to show off your little ones? I think that came out right.
  21. By the way Tac nice goin' on the Corbie lyrics. I guess I missed em first time around. Had a steak sannie in the Aud in Nanton last time thru just so I could see all the crazy taxidermy from the Highland Steer video. Always keep an edge on yer knife, fer sure.
  22. I should be a couple of weeks up ahead of you if the western preems fest is held at Speedy Creek. Why don't you show up some of your hidden secrets in the Porkies?? Or is that asking too much??
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