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Everything posted by darthwader

  1. I would definitely test clive.... He's so tough he doesn't even wear waders in the winter!! DW
  2. This is an interesting thread and I am glad it was brought up. Kudo's to you guys for finding something and pursuing it. After reading their response, it is clear that they have a very hi-tech sysyetm with all sorts of neat computerized stuff to detect all sorts of intersting things. Why then do they keep running into each other?? Anyway, very interesting find and many props for giving it the attention you have.
  3. OK... here is why my boss should keep me busy on slow days at work... my apologies in advance for the bad rhymes... The Night Before Christmas - Fly Fishing Style Twas the night before Christmas When I left my house And I sat by the river Watching the grouse My five weight was placed In a cottonwood with care In hopes that some winter trout Soon would be there The stoneflies were nestled In their river bottom bed While visions of hungry trout Danced in my head And Tony in his Neoprenes And I in my gore Had just settled down bankside And started to snore When out in the water There arose such a clatter As a trout sprung from the river And returned with a splatter Away to the cottonwood I flew like a flash Snagged my waders on barbed wire Made a 4 inch gash The sun on the breast Of the river below Made it look like July Though we were knee deep in snow When what to my wondering eyes Should appear But a 26 inch brown trout And a river bottom beer With a flick of his tail So lively and quick I reached for my fly rod I gave it a flick More rapid than eagles He bolted and split There I stood standing My language explicit You moron, you jerk You dummy, you turd How could you you imbicile You big freakin nerd To the top of the run And back through the seam He dashed away dashed away Like a bad fishing dream As the wind picked back up Like a hurricane fly I raised up my arms And looked up to the sky So back towards Tony I started to walk Another fish missed I’d rather not talk And then in a twinkling I heard from the right The rings of a trout rise And caught it in my sight As I drew up my rod And was turning around Up from the bank Tony came with a bound The trout rose up again And continued to eat Midges I presume As I positioned my feet A pink stripe on his gill plate And black spots on his back He looked like a trophy Or was I just on crack His eyes saw my midge And he turned with a flash He rose up to grab it And rolled with a splash His droll trouty mouth With it’s big giant kipe Grabbed my midge quickly I let out a yipe The bend in my rod I gritted my teeth And the fish raced in circles And went down beneath But winter had made him Less lively and strong He gave up quite quickly The fight wasn’t long He was chubby and plump A right jolly old trout Tony took my picture Kissing his snout With a blink of his eye And a shake of his head I let him return To the smooth river bed With a flick of his tail And a splash in my face He drifted back down To that most sacred place And as I tidied my line And rechecked my hook I looked over at Tony And realized he shook It was Christmas after all And my family was waiting So we went back to the truck Without much debating But as we got back on Deerfoot And the river drifted from sight Merry Christmas to all May your trout always fight!!
  4. I am currently getting ART treatments for a shoulder injury... couldn't even cast ... very tragic. What I have found so far is that as he works around the shoulder, a new scar tissue location is found each time. Meaning there was an original injury and then all the muscles tried to cover for it and then themselves became injured. BTW, that's in laymans terms. After 7 treatments, he is now working on my bicep and I won't lie, it hurts. In fact, it kind of makes want to puke when he does it and I dread each visit a little more than the first. I even commented to him at my last thing that if I could reach around with my left, I probably would have popped him a few sessions ago. I always thought I had a pretty high pain tolerance but this stuff does not feel good at all. Having said all of that, each part he has worked on has gotten better and the pain has definitely moved around the shoulder, so I have to assume it is working. I go for two more on the bicep, plus an ultrasound to see if there is anything more serious going on. After that, I will have a more definite opinion on this stuff. But for now, if you read about a chiropractor getting popped while doing active release therapy on some guys shoulder, it was probably me.
  5. No relation to MAx... unfortunately, but thanks for the kind words. While I am not the biggest CS fan, I will admit they have some good songs and it always surprises me that they only play small venues...considering the number of radio songs and the time they have been around. But, I guess that's good for us to get to see them in a smaller venue. All in all, they usually put on a pretty good rock show. Now, about that spandex thing...
  6. Lynn, I'd send my wife with you but she already went and bought tickets. I have seen them a few times (thanks to my wife) and I must admit... they are pretty good. You'll recognize me at the concert... I'll be the one in waders.
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