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Everything posted by ogilvie

  1. They used to have a Greyflex Series and a G series ...the blanks were a deep Bluish Green...and the other was Black. C
  2. Hardy purchased Greys a few years ago,and it has been a very good relationship. Greys doesn't have a #7 Two Hander.... but does have a few very nice rods..the GreyFlex(brown blank) is fast action and very nice in hand....they have other series and new in 2008 was their G-Tec Multi Piece rods..again very nice.. C
  3. Brian is very correct in the use of materials that don't hold water and air so well....in so using big bright flies it is very possible to keep an"EYE" on your fly to assist your casting... The fly in this picture that fooled a very bright Chum was tied with a bit of Purple Marabou, Ice Chenille(Water resistant) and a Rabbit tail.....big,light,alive in the water .. C
  4. Hi Al; Actually these flies are not too hard to work with if you follow some very simple and safe tips. Gil is correct in developing your loops a bit more to the side..and always know where you fly is...in other words don't close your eyes! Since you are using a Skagit of some kind getting it to lift should pose no issue...depending on the size of the fly of course...Here on the Island it is the fly of choice for much of the winter so we cast hundreds of these patterns ...not sure what tip you are using..but ...you might lengthen your leader a bit and slow down your cast enough to be able to manipulate your rod tip just after your forward stroke has ended...avoiding any possible collision! One of the Good rules is to "watch your fly" ..know where it is and see it in relationship to your cast...with Skagit casting you are able to know where your fly is most of the time...even the 1/2 out rule... knowing where your fly is just prior to the forward stroke will enable you to know where it is going. This will differ for a floating line of course... C
  5. We have all the Elixir lines in stock and the Tonic lines soon... C
  6. Thanks Gord...how did the casting go?? Have been casting some of the new Hardy, of course Snowbee ,Clan and a few Loomis,Beulah and Sage rods these past few months and have to say I definitely appreciate the feel of the Snowbee and Clan rods. There is something to the feel of those deep fast reaction type rods that many NA manufacturers seem to miss. HAving recently been fishing the bigger waters with the new Z-Axis 14'3 and the Angel , on Sunday past I for the hell of it put a 530 CND Skagit Head and 16' of Rio Type 6 on Snowbee's 12' 6/7 wt. Torridge...likely because I have had those big rods lately as soon as I did my first cast I immediately recognized the depth this rod has... the flex flows smoothly but the recovery is almost immediate...the loops crisp and deliberate, and well, distance is superb. What I have noticed ,especially in the past 5 years is the considerable differences between european and NA rods developements. This is obvious because my casting style is very traditional mixed of course with the "Modern Casting style". I have really taken to liking those rods that consistantly develope a power surge from loading ,and slowly permit me to accelerate at various speeds my forward stroke with either hand. So for me that means I like a deep fast and not full flexing rod. The Clan rod has this as does the Snowbee 12', 12'6" and their 13' rod as did the Hardy Gem and the Elite. Just my thoughts for the evening...looking forward to playing with those new rods C Hi MAx...
  7. Too much stock...have to make room ...25% off almost everything in the store...the store closes January and February for the winter and Steelhead fishing ,perhaps some Bone and Tarpon fishing before the show in Calgary...and yes, I will be casting with the new Beulah Surf Rods...
  8. Max You don't want to play with those girly sticks Gord is talking about>>!!
  9. Yeah...will do... have to wait for a few days though...Val has me on domestic duties for the next few dasy...spent a week on the Bulkley-Morice and now have to do STUFFFFF C
  10. Have a nice 3 pc.12' Sharpes that was traded in ...have been playing with it a bit and really like the early Windcutter on it...if you can find One of the Silk Lines that would be good.. Although the general fishing applications for that set-up on the Island at the moment isn't Ideal...soon the fresh Winter Run Steelhead will be making their appearance, within weeks...however the down side now is that the water levels are just now shooting up! C
  11. Hey...very nice fish...great photos......Mid October is fisherman's heaven on Vancouver Island...Qualicum Beach is Central to most of the activity...take your pick C
  12. This is a great topic and well thought about. I believe ,in my modest opinion, that the Switch rod has opened the door for many fly casters to enhance their experiences and abilities much more easily. This is obvious since we have seen all the major rod manufacturers jumping on the band wagon once many fly fishers began to really "DIG" using fine smaller rods able to be cast as a single or Two hander,and produce desired results immediately. Now with the advent of certain companies designing specific lines for their rods ,the results are that "other manufacturers are following suit. We wll all benefit from this output in new designs and products. Even when fishing a 4/5 weight switch there are times ,for me , when the need to apply much more torque to the rod produces beneficial results. For some their physical issues demand a much more balanced means to use this tool, in such a case as my wife's. As with Murray's pal, it has opened a greater possibility. Here on the Coasts the new 11' Surf Rods are again answering a call for super fast action lighter rods to deliver flies greater distances with less effort for those understanding the need for proper line matches. My personal favorite Switch rod is the 8/9 10'6" Beulah...I can be fishing Steelhead in chest deep water wading under a tree and still make the demanding cast with super fast lines and big flies, or beach fishing for Pink Salmon and needing to cast 110' in the wind, or fishing for big Trout on the Thompson,Clearwater, Mitchell,Horsefly, Campbell River or on the other hand playing with 40 lb. Chinook on the Stamp,and other such Rivers. Yet I can still enjoy the many smaller trout that happen along the way...a great tool C
  13. More Importantly...the fish are showing up in good numbers all along the East Coast of Vancouver Island basically from Nanoose(north of Nanaimo) all the way to Port Hardy...if you have the time do take this special time in....Salmon off the beaches C
  14. Like you I too am not a fan of the Sharkskin lines and the running line will likely be as hard on the fingers...Cortland sells the braided running lines that have the same feel, we really don'y like those lines here on the coast because your fingers do get cut by the constant retreiving of long lines coupled with being in Salt Water...The idea is good though...will see what they are like C
  15. Lines like the Snowbee Short Head Scandanavian Spey Line (ultra fast sink) are great Scandi casting lines but rarely needed for the Bow...perhaps with the high dirty water you guys have had will see more of these being used. C
  16. The quality of these new reels is very high...and Max nailed it about having to compete...in the years gone by,Hardy had to pay rod builders 35 GBP(pounds) an hour to build fly rods...it doesn't take long to figure out that in this world that is OK for custom builders but not a mass producer. The same went for the reels...and one has to remember that Hardy isn't about Fishing gear(in our eyes perhaps) but AeroSpace! their technology is and has been used in the Space Shuttle,Stealth Bomber,and many more. Why should they build a fly reel that retails at $900 when in the same time they can build a component for the US AirForce and receive half a Million and some!?? If you have reels made in England from Hardy hang onto them! If you have the ones made in Korea...USE them...they are good I think the new rods coming out of Korea for Hardy are better than the rods Hardy has made in the last 10 years.! The only serious issue with Hardy /Greys products these days is their inability to treat we mere colonials with respect and provide quality service! it ain't going to happen!
  17. Max.... Boys like to play indeed..no matter what our age we always play...you will love the new Tonic lines...short heads about 24',able to pick up Sink Tips of any weight and toss big flies yet able to be adjusted to deliver dry flies... Many West Coast fishers are beginning to get the picture about using the Beulah Elixir Lines on single handers...as are our Ontario cousins. We will soon be able to get the Elixir and Tonic heads as well...should be a blast to play with.../ It never changes..but there are just more of us doing it!
  18. Why re-invent the wheel....MAX...are you using the 5/6 Switch Elixir Line? The grain windows for these rods are fairly large ... If you want something of a more Skagit style you mightalso consider the new Beulah Tonic lines....but for pure fishing pleasure the Elixirs are hard to beat... Hope fishing is getting better C
  19. Yeah, Bowcane,...There is something like that in the works...in both Single and double handed lines...there has always been issues with the drastic change from a large ,by comparison, belly to Running Line transition....the best transitions I have seen are or were by Shakespear,Rio has improved drastically as has SA... C
  20. Since we are going to a place where the dark arrives later(Quesnel) for this long week-end, and then later in the month the Yukon...our UK trip is off until after Xmas......our time for beach fishing is fast approaching and that I won't miss.... Would love to see Scotland this time of year>>> C
  21. For all you folks that are coming West to fish for Salmon off the beaches check out the " Beach Fishing Specials " on our new Web Site "nilecreekflyshop.com" New Snowbee Diamond Series 3 pc Fly Rods,lines and cassett reels...a must have for these sliver bullets from the sea C
  22. Over the past few months we have been working on new spey line designs and head lengths for basically smaller river systems like the Bow. The great debate at the moment is should there be a stepped line transition design like some now being built, a slower short rear taper to the slim diameter running line(One line) or to a distinct Head use with looped connection to a small diameter more slick running line. You's that fish the Bow would have a better idea of these needs considering the waters I fish here on the Island are typically much faster with a more rigorous dynamic. ...such as the Gold And Nympkish... Thoughts?? C
  23. Split Cane ...what do ya think???!!! I too am a fan of Cane...however,there is little wonder there is so much confusion about lines when Rio produces an outbound line in an 8 wt. that has a grain weight of about 330 grains... ANyway, the debate rages I am sure Tight Lines to you all...and especially you Calgarians with all the brown water this past few weeks C
  24. Are you the BC Peckerwood Tako??? Good for you
  25. Hey, Very nice job....Furled leaders are excellent...a bit expensive but goooood. Are you going to sell some? C
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