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Everything posted by Brownstone

  1. As far as I know there are only a couple populations of Golden Trout in Alberta..tough to find lakes, and a tougher hike Ive heard..
  2. I could be wrong but im pretty sure that the Athabasca Rainbows are the only real rainbows in Alberta...
  3. ohhh...that's rough..well here goes.. Two guys rent a boat and go out bass fishing, they go to one particular spot and pound big bass all day long, at the end of the day at the dock the one guy asks the other if he will remember the spot, he replies, no problem I marked and X on the side of the boat..the other guy looks at him and says "your a friggin' idiot,...what happens if we rent a different boat next time"..
  4. so many fond memories over the years of fishing with dad, but the most predominant must be the smell of the dry fly dressing dad and grandpa use to make, made of candle wax and naphtha. You'd jam the little bottle under your armpit to warm it to a liquid and walk around all day smelling like a Coleman stove...
  5. Beauty .. .. I almost headed out that way this morning also..
  6. Chewbacca should pull your arms off for that one Birchy...(stop hanging out at fishingjokes.net)
  7. I moved out here from Newfoundland about 10 years ago..go back every summer Salmon fishing with dad and Grandpa..back to the roots.. I'd forgotted all about the "city river" as I use to call it..fresh out of highschool i moved to Toronto and we use to go down to the Humber Bay / Mimico Creek area.
  8. Seems like every other year it happens, It's horrible. The markings for the weir start what, 3 km upsteam i believe. Inexperience and ingorance..all these tragedies can be avoided. Was out fishing last night and thats all i could think about when I looked out into the river. ..I feel for the familes...
  9. I use a 7 wt for Pike(mainly because I already own one for fishing salmon) .. there were a few times I had to play a fish a little longer than needed..unless your planning on hitting some big trophy waters. I can see no reason to own anything heavier than a 10, unless you fish salt water like TrailHead said.
  10. Thanks guys, Hopefully the Salmon are running harder when I fish the Humber this year..get some nice pics of dozens of salmon jumping rather than a single..It's truly amazing..
  11. The Arches, Big Falls on the Upper Humber, Moose in Gros Morne and Waterfall in Western Brook Fjord..
  12. H & L Variant, Humpty Adams, Pheasant Tail Nymph, BH- Hare's Ear, Yellow Stimulator. These are the 5 that he refers to as "Tar Sands Flies"..Ive had sucess swinging Elk Hair Caddis as a wet fly when fishing for grayling as well..
  13. good to hear for sure, those bastards are nothing but politically correct suckers if you ask me..
  14. I may have had mixed the two up..I know the Asian Carp are the jumpers, but ive heard of Grass Carp creating familar problems..for sure they would not stock a fertile population of Carp anywhere..would they?
  15. Asian Carp (Ive also heard them reffered to as Grass Carp, I think its the same species)..small ones jump out of the water when startled..Ive never seen it personally..but have seen a couple shows on discovery channel that had segments on them..BIG problem in the southern US and they are migrating north FAST..they eat like crazy and force other game fish from their habitat..and they grow HUGH .. They have underwater electric fences (im not BS'n you) to keep them from entering the Great Lakes System... I highly doubt if they would stock these anywhere..nevermind in Canada..If they are stocking carp to fish( and not the colorful Koi) ..I'd imagine they are common carp are more probably sterile..
  16. Im heading to Newfoundland salmon fishing July3-16, If you need me to pressure test some of those fancy streamers ..Those big feathered flies remind me of my grandpa..80 years old and can still outfish most people I know...
  17. Wicked bike.. tough find..
  18. Yeah whatever..ive been dissapointed in the past...either or..still great show
  19. Those Asian Carp are a threat to canadian waters indeed..They have already migrated from the Mississippi river system as far north as Illinois and there is a serious danger of them getting into the great lakes through shipping canals..
  20. Impressive fish indeed, I would'nt say the biggest ever caught in NS like the paper did..but brute of a Broonie for sure..I bet there are lots of those bad boys in Mira River .. should be called Mira lake I think that's some big water...
  21. Sea-run Broonies...sweet
  22. Hey Birchy..really want Brookies? save up and head to Labrador or northern Quebec..10 Lb Brookies not uncommon, AND my personal favorite...Ounaniche (landlock salmon) a salmon swims up river..man puts a dam across *voila*..best game fish i ever caught.. and these SOB's get BIG..I'm talking 20+ Lb fish that jump 10 feet out of the water a dozen times on a 5 min fight...so...go for the Brookies, stay for the Ounaniche... I grew up fishing Brookies..they are indeed the best of trout if you ask me....
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