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About Klaas

  • Birthday 01/29/1967

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  • Location
    the netherlands

Klaas's Achievements


Chironomid (2/10)



  1. Happy birthday Greg. Your still running fast along the river banks so up to the other 50 years,maybe then we can keep up with you. Klaas
  2. And make longer slow arm movements when casting with a short line. Klaas
  3. Luckly you can bring a stainless parker pen on board. Then you could write notes to the pilot till he dies from boredom. Or write" bomb on board" on a tissue so the plane turns back. Or.............things i dont wanna write here that you could do to harm ppl on a plane with a sharp stainless object. If i whas a pilot i rather would have someone attack me with a size 18 bleu dun then with a stainless parker pen. Noud dont do silly stuff,remeber you also have the rods from me and Rob with you,carry a plastic pen so the metaldetector wont go off. Even better put a sharp pencil in your pocket,at the airport they say you cant hurt ppl with it. And spell your last name,or write it down. Klaas
  4. Good idea Rob,i take Noud's net so he can use my smaller net,atleast he can catch some small fish then,thats better then what he usualy catches Klaas
  5. Noud is always trying to find a other way to catch fish ( those who wont work usualy ) then we do. Its always nice for Rob and me when we catch about 20 fish a day and Noud just 6 or so,makes us feel like were realy good flyfisher's,in fact were realy thankfull to Noud that he always gives us that good feeling. Keep up the good work Noud. Klaas
  6. Great pics cant wait to fish there. I think im gonna need a bigger net. Klaas
  7. Thats great Noud. Ofcourse he will go fishing with us,or he has heard about your sturggling on the riverbanks to catch a fish Klaas
  8. Klaas

    Spring Fishing

    Even worse,some rivers in Germany have a daily limit of 2 trouts a day. When you catch 2 trout that are at minimum size or above you have to stop fishing legally. But on most rivers they dont follow them that precisely and you can release the fish you caught. Inmagine you drove 3 hours to fish and theres a rise going on,you could be driving home in 15 min if your lucky.....or is it unlucky Klaas
  9. Very nice flies and tied well. Im also a big fan of those old flies,on the English forum we just finished a swap with such flies. http://ukflydressing.proboards47.com/index...amp;thread=2860 I also have a nice website from a member there and he has lots of old patterns,who knows you can do somthing with it. Its Donald Nicolsons site http://www.dtnicolson.dial.pipex.com/ . Klaas
  10. Klaas

    Nymph Help

    So this is how i learned it. First you must know how deep the water is and how strong te current is,make your leader(just 1 piece of mono i use) about 2 feet longer(about 50/60 cm). When the leader is to long the fly will drag tomuch over the bottom and there will be a big curve in the leader,you will not see when a fish takes it,or to late. When the leader is to short the fly wont reach the bottom,you will see a take but not much fish will take it. When your setup is good but your stuck all the time on the bottom your fly is to heavy. If you never get stuck on the bottom your fly is to light. Cast upstream and start taking line back in imediatly,dont be afraid that you do this to fast if you do it to slow you lose contact with the fly and wont see or feel a take. Just try to take line back in as fast as the current of the water,when the flyline is straigt or almost straight on the water your doing good,if your a lil faster a few times dont be afraid the fly will come lose from the bottom a few inches(cm) and makes it more attractive to the fish. When fishing in some deeper pools just cast a few feet streamup over the pool,by the time the fly is deeper it will be in the pool. When a fish takes the fly you will notice it,your indicator will stop or go under or you see the flyline make a short stop in the current. Some ppl lift the rod then,i just give the flylne a good pull with the hand im taking in back the flyline,if its not a fish i can make the drift go on without casting for a new drift. The rest is all practicing and by experiance you learn how long you have to make the leader and how heavy the flies have to be and where to drop the fly in the spots you wanna fish. Klaas
  11. What ive learned is that 2 "frends" of my here making fun of me all the time. ,so im gonna look more often here. Sleeping in a tent and drinkin whisky go very well together,my "frends"just have to remind me that i should take out my contacts so that i dont look like the next morning. Drinkin whisky and playing with fire go very well together,just my "frends"need to tell me when my fleecejacket catches fire (btw garbagebags are the best replacement for wood when its wet outside to make a nice campfire,and when its dark no one sees the smoke,and its also good for the envoirment cuz we dont leave any garbage behind,and at last it keep bears away from the camp.....Rob did you see any bears that night???). That walking behind a person that drank a botlle whisky the night before dont give you the right to complain about the smell of whisky in the morning(Rob) cuz hes still walking faster up hill than you. That i have two great fishingbuddies. Autumn 2010 isnt so far away,i posted this later then Rob and Noud Klaas
  12. Being from europe i use the LAW vise ( i know a strange guy from England that pet his LAW every day atleast once ). Expensive but good vise,hope it will last a lifetime. Klaas
  13. Hey there,everything fine overhere,how your doing.

    Well this looks like a nice forum also,funny part is that a dutch frend of my is a member here for a few years.

    So im gonna tie a fly for him thats going be send to england and then to canada,from there its gonna send back to the netherlands???? crazy stuff those flyswaps hahaha.


  14. Hello Netherlands, how are you doing???

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