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Der last won the day on January 24 2018

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  1. Good news and nice video. Thanks for sharing. Daryl
  2. Lornce that brown drake is my kind of fly ,simple yet elegant at same time. While not everyone posts their work you can be sure seeing yours inspires us to us to keep tying. Daryl
  3. I think its a matter of industry dollars trump the fish and the anglers. Look at what happened to the rivers on Vancouver Island and the Thompson river Steelhead to see how logging and development and fish populations co- exist. And that happened with out any petroleum interest or development,well except for the Coq run, its got a pipeline and a highway which pretty much did its run in. Industry will stall and deny and keep right on rolling along and government will play along as need the jobs and the taxes and one day they will all be looking surprised and alarmed that all the fish are just gone. Fish need clean water and well forested drainage's to survive and neither seems to fit well with the economic model currently in place. We can,t continue with resource extraction and growth at present rate and expect wilderness to survive. The ecosystem is a lot more complex than leaving a strip of trees on either side of a stream for 50 meters or so and saying its still intact and ok. I think most can understand this but he who pays the piper calls the tune and that should be pretty obvious too. The wild back country while it looks vast is really a finite amount and once its all tramped over and cut down well it makes a difference. Again look at Vancouver Island steelhead fishing say in the 50-60,s and today, look at the developement and logging and its pretty obvious that the fish lost there. Good luck with your eastern slopes fishery and hope it is more successful in surviving than has happened in BC, we are just rolling along out here, salmon are way down now too and still we look for a reason other than what we are doing to our land out here, maybe its the ocean? Couldn,t be anything we have done to cause it.Sincerely best of luck, we failed big time in BC.Closing rivers on Island has done nothing to bring back the fish ,common sense would lead you to believe since it didn,t work then maybe that wasn,t the problem.
  4. Not familiar with the norvise tools but as a general tip I found one of most helpfull for tying drys is to use a short section of a small plastic drinking straw to hold back hackle. just cut short length and split it on a diagonal. you can then slide around thread and slip up over head of fly to hold material back away from eye.(found west jet straws about perfect size). Any smaller straw can work and with diagonal can be squeezed smaller. Another good source of smaller tubing is the small shrink tubing from a radio supply place,can get it here from local electronics store. Also works for junction tubing on tube flys. Likely best tip I know and costs next to nothing and keeps feather out of head and cement. Daryl
  5. So when the existing refinery,s cannot supply Canada with gas and diesel we will just stop using it?? Are we going to refine in China and then import our fuel. I must not understand this as seems unbleive-able we can,t build a refinery that will pass regulations of today? On a different point here is link to debate over outsiders funding groups opposed to the plan. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=toR3Tt9fS2E
  6. I hate too talk politics on internet but have a few points I,d like to bring forward. There is a weather warning for the northcoast ,Terrace,Kitamat and Rupert up right now . If a person watches there is severe weather up there on coast over 100 days a year. They are talking of 225 ships a year so 450 trips down Douglas Channel . Then off coast and to China. BC lost a ferry near mouth of Douglas Channel through operator error so it can happen . When you can,t see 200 ft on a 1000 ft boat in rough water in a narrow channel,well can a tug stop a ship that size. I think a grounding is inevitable,it,s just when and how bad. Point 2 There is a natural gas line to Rupert . It comes out to Terrace along the Copper River and I think goes up the Telkwa from Smithers . Checked map it does. Anyway it was put in in mid 50,s and has leaked I believe at least 20 times. The town of Prince Rupert has been with out Natural Gas for extended periods of time at least twice in last 5 years, usually from mud slides severing the pipe line. I have been up the Copper, Kitamat and Mourice Rivers till the road runs out and it is rough country with heavy rain and snow on coast side. Why would Enbridge be able to build a pipe line that is safe when existing one leaks say once every ten years on average and takes some times 2 Weeks to fix. Christ the highway is closed from mudslides and washouts and avalanches probably 5 times a year and they can drive to those disasters on pavement from both sides. This isn,t like running a pipe line through farmers fields by Edmonton. I know some of you guys have spent time up there chasing steel. It is last Major river in western North America with a reasonably? intact steelhead run left. Once its gone we will be Steelheading in Ontario. Endbridge has a less than great track record when it comes to leaks and response times but trust them they will do this one right!. I don,t think we could out fox everything nature can throw at us so how can this be different. Here is a link to a report from Steelhead society ,written by someone more informed and literate than me. I found it on Speypages. http://www.steelheadsociety.org/sites/defa...%20-%20SSBC.pdf
  7. That is a dandy looking fish,2 fish I guess. What is the # of the rod,South Bend I think. Daryl
  8. Thanks for the links Dave. Looks like I need at least 2 pair of boots to fish in different waters as takes at least a day for felt to dry out. I suppose that is an advantage to new rubber soled boots as laces will dry faster than felt soles. No mention of any cleaner or steriliser other than using dish soap which is fine too,drying time is the weak link. I really don,t want to spread anything. Daryl
  9. What is the best method to clean,sterilise your boots,will a dip in bleach and water work,if so what concentration is needed? will bleach eat the boots. Can any one suggest a site that explains how to best clean boots. Thanks in advance. Daryl
  10. I think its in the Columbia at Castlegar as well, looks very much like the middle picture above and I actually thought was from pulp mill discharge, will have to start looking after my boots and waders better. Thanks for the pictures, worth a thousand words Daryl
  11. Looks like you figured it out,nice fish,brown is a beaut. I,ll second the question what did you do different make things work .Ive only fished Bow 2 times myself and never with any luck .I look at hogs you guys show on here and drool . I though I was pretty good fisher but think could learn alot yet when fishing bow . Daryl
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