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About kipper

  • Birthday 03/18/1953

Profile Information

  • Location
    southeastern alberta

kipper's Achievements


Mayfly (4/10)



  1. I have had spells where I could not get out of bed without someone helping. My first experience my other half ..moved a mattress onto the floor in the living room and that is where I stayed for 3 days- getting up was extreme agony- missed Troutlovers wedding because of it!!!. Doctors did not help I went to a chiropractor and was getting around in 2 days. My chiropractor gave me hell for having my wallet in a back pocket - I have carried it in my front pocket since then..also stretches.. as someone stated earlier. The one thing I discovered is that ..believe it or not..golfing helps bigtime to alleviate this condition..at least in my case it does!!getting off ones arse and walking also helps..even though it can be painfull to do!
  2. Has anyone else heard anything about a campround closure at Police Outpost Provincial Park. I was planning a trip there but was told that the campground is closed due to a sow and cubs in the area? Any truth to this rumour?
  3. I may get there about the 22nd ..hoping to anyway. Chironomids eh? ...any particular colour? I have had a lot of luck over the years fishing nymphs on a dry line from shore and also like using a black wooly bugger this time of year at dusk till dark...of course I never even used chironomid patterns until quite recently when" someone" introduced this method to me at Bullshead a few years ago..until that time I read about it but had never tried it..thank yah for that Jared! p.m. me sometime..I plan on going to the Crow soon too...by the way what is a tiddler?
  4. I am wondering how it's been at Police Lake the last while...haven't seen any posts at all? I am also wondering how the road down that way is as far as any flooding goes? The water level should be good after all the moisture this year and the fishing should be good as well.
  5. I have also been to the fly shop in the BASS store and had a near same experience. Being from the se part of the province where fly tieing materials are rare to none..I loaded up on fur, feathers,beads and thread etc.etc.. I went to the counter to pay and an older gentleman was "busy" spooling some line on some reels. I stood at the counter for 10 to 15 minutes with probably $150.00 in materials on the counter..no-one even gave me a sideways glance! Anyway I ended up walking away and leaving the goods on the counter..really crappy service!
  6. jeff..have a remedy..p.m. sent
  7. Carseland is a nice campground- there are no campfires allowed at Chain Lakes Provincial Park which isn't good if you like having one.
  8. A couple of years back on the Crow me and a friend were fishing down from the Colliers(sp) and we were planning on fishing downstream. We were both in the water near shore when 2 guys showed up and walked through the run right in front of us without so much as a look our way. They were almost 2 stepping tossing nymphs against the far bank walking down the middle of the fricking river. A while later we walked downstream and to a really nice rocky hole on a corner...we were only there about 15 minutes when a film crew came out from the other bank across from us - yes you are reading this right -and a couple pinheads dressed in their fancy fishing gear proceeded to fish downstream right across from us ..i guess they thought we would leave but we stuck around for some time and watched the "show' none of them caught a fish while we were there...but it ruined our day.
  9. Thanks to everyone ..I think I like Docs' idea ..it will make things a whole lot simpler. I wouldn't know where to get eyes in bulk..I have been painting eyes on them as I like giving my flies that little extra "look" and also I haven't found any "stickons" that stay in place on the hourglass eyes..which are curved. Thanks for your help.
  10. Wondering if any tiers out there who paint their own eyes could give me a suggestion/idea on how they do this - I try to paint a dozen at a time but I can only do one side at a time - need some method of holding them to dry and be able to do both sides at once. Any thoughts/suggestions would be greatly appreciated - Doug.
  11. First off I believe the Stream Watch Program is great idea and the people that pushed for it and got it started are to be commended for their effort. Those who commented on this board are right in saying that there has been a shortage of field staff in the Fish and Wildlife division for the past 30 years. I recall an incident not all that many years ago where budgetary restraints in that Division were so bad that the officers couldn't leave their offices to patrol and only went out in the cases of complaints being called in- there was no money for overtime and no money for gasoline to fuel their trucks. With the economy going south the way it has it looks like a lot of position vacancies will not be filled and no hiring taking place..another step backward. Unfortunately - as we all know - when times are tough the first Departments to get their budgets axed are Fish and Wildlife and the Parks Departments. We need the Stream Watch Program now more than ever. IMO
  12. I hope you informed Fish and Wildlife about it..that is a good enough reason for them to be relocated ..permanently. That is darn scary.
  13. In the early 90's I went fishing on the Kitimat with my cousin, who at the time, owned a Tackle Store there. When I had my first Steelhead to hand I brought it out of the water for a picture and my cousin started telling me to "keep in the water". He didn't want any of the fish brought to hand to be handled for more than an admiring look - a picture was "iffy" at best as the fish were still a bit lively as well. Of course having caught a few gave me more respect for them - as with any fish - I think tailing with a glove would not be a good idea.
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