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dberlando last won the day on October 8 2019

dberlando had the most liked content!

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  • Location
    Fort Steele, BC

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Baetis Nymph

Baetis Nymph (3/10)



  1. If he's in the Koocanusa area Sand Creek downstream from the southernmost bridge in Jaffray holds some cutties and is non-classified.
  2. Borrowed a Hobie with the pedal-drive and was very impressed with the power of that drive system which leaves hands free for fishing. You do, however, need stay aware to retract the penguin like flippers when in shallow (18") water to avoid contact with bottom. Good stability and lots of compartments / add - on attachments available.
  3. I've had excellent service from Liberty and seem to have latest web app technology for monitoring while away. They installed code activated locks which I prefer over key access. We pay under $40 pm for monitoring and rely on cell as we have no land line to the cottage.
  4. Fished a SE BC stream this week where I've previously caught Bulls on large streamer patterns. There were frequent rises / rolls by large BT in several runs that we fished so the fish were there but they refused all offerings. Kokanee were starting to show up so perhaps they were keyed in on this food source, or do these large pre-spawners turn off feeding during their run up the river to spawning areas? Any idea when the spawning period is for these fish in SE BC as I don't want to harass them if they are doing their love dance?
  5. Snapped a tip off due to my own negligence on an Orvis a few years ago and it was replaced with no questions and very quickly
  6. Mystery solved....large shoals of small (4-10"0 suckers (foul hooked one and saw them en masse) roaming and feeding on / near surface...first time I ever caught a sucker on a dry fly!
  7. There are tons of 'shiner' minnows in this lake and the rainbows are in the order of 18" so it's quite possible that they were pounding the schooling minnows...thanks for the ideas.
  8. SE BC trout lake...late afternoon cloudy, very calm...surface like glass. Lake surface would sporadically show areas about 20' square of little ripples, almost like little wind gusts but on inspection there were clearly trout feeding just below surface, occasionally breaking surface. When I got close with canoe, fish spooked and looked like 5 to 10 trout bolted underneath. Also spooked when casting into or near the 'rippled areas' with my fly (trying a prince nymph just under surface....no hits. Never seen this before...thoughts?
  9. Caught a 16 inch lake rainbow on size 14 dry hooked in lower corner of mouth. Fly was a bit tough to remove despite being barbless and had to pull quite hard with the pliers. Upon holding the fish in the water to revive it, I noticed a small amount of blood coming from the mouth. Fish swam away strongly, but am wondering if bleeding, even a small amount, is survivable? Will small wounds clot up in the water? Many thanks, D.
  10. I think that was Phillip's lake. Summit lies entirely in BC. If only SE BC became part of Alberta (as was talked about years ago)....
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