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Posts posted by Inconnu

  1. Since you guys went off in this direction, I was given a 10" personal DVD player for Christmas so I play fishing and tying DVD's while I tie. I do need something going on in the background as well and this sort of sets the tone.

  2. Mike in the last swap I was in on flyangler.ca I had to tie Spey flies from a wet fly pattern. I pestered the other swappers who were more proficient at Speys (I had never tied one) for information on each step and the material selection. I always find that asking as you go may work as well as the suggestions after the fact, but it is whatever you are comfortable with.....Kerry


    No more hijacking LadyS! I apologize and shall go and thoroughly chastise myself! :unsure:

  3. I have been in a plethora of swaps. Been swapping since sometime in '96. I have held a few and sure from either perspective I have had flops. Sometimes it is this wierd failing of some of the swappers to actually read the destructions of the swap and sometimes it was life stuff getting in the way.

    I have NEVER worried about the quality of flies I received. Many new tyers want to enter a swap and they are scared to because they are not as proficient as they wish to be. I encourage them because swaps make all of us better tyers. To get all bent out of shape over a couple of flies that were not up to "our" standards may be kind of unfair to the guy or girl who is trying to be a better tyer through a swap. Perhaps soomeone should hold a swap for only the really good tyers.

    Time is always a factor and I respect that. Some of us just want to tie for ourselves and friends and I respect that as well, but swaps are a part of this community and I believe that we need to look on them as a communal project and part of what makes this site what it is.

    I should note that over the last 12 years I have only been screwed out of flies three times. Once for a swap of 22 flies each, then another for a swap of 12 flies each and the last was for another dozen or so. So getting ripped off once every four years is the trade-off.

    If you are worried about the quality of your flies I would say don't. You only get better with practice and help. Swapmeisters and other swappers have always been helpful to me when learning new skills through a swap and we as a community should be helping new tyers improve, shouldn't we? Or have I got the philosophy of a flyfishing community all wrong?

  4. I've been pursuing this on a hunting board, my apologies for not doing so here for some reason I had this mental block which did not let me see the relevence towards fishing.

    Nonetheless and even if you have no faith in your Government, everyone needs to write to your MLA and let he or she know how you feel. Discussion here or anywhere is good, but action is even better. I believe this would be the worst possible scenerio, even if it starts with what may appear to some as good intentions. We should not overlook the obvious conflict of interest in the choice of the areas as well.

    So I have to say this sends chills down my back, it is indeed a wedge and whan has the government ever backed off on a bad idea? To me they are once again patting us all on the back and telling us not to worry they will take care of us.

    In my opinion if we let this happen without a fight, then we will deserve what we get.

    Sitting down to type out a letter is just a few minutes of our time compared to a lifetime of change should this go through.....Kerry

  5. Hey Harps. I have followed the saga of the salmon farming issue on the west coast for some time. A few years ago, despite information that suggested it to be an unwise move, Gordon Campbell took the moratorium off of salmon farm development on the coast.

    Initially the concern was that the Atlantics would survive after the huge escapements they had and become an unwelcome part of the ecosystem. I do not know how many times I heard the President of the B.C. Salmon Farmers Association deny that there was any evidence that this could happen. The facts at the time were covered up of course. I talked to several people who had been working as divers for the salmon farms. These guys were telliing me that the Atlantics were showing up in remote streams and rivers well before it became a public concern.

    The problem then and now is that politics over rules science and as long as the Campbell government is in place I do not see any changes to the situation even though it affects a Federally managed resource. Perhaps a massive letter writing campaign, but we need to get more B.C. people on side with this sort of project so the B.C. Gov't sees voter opinions.....writing to the Federal Minister is also something we can all do, but the effect will be better if we put pressure on both levels of government in my opinion.

  6. Actually the Czar of russia a few centuries ago, banned the use of moose by the peasants, because outlaws rode them and could escape into the swamps where the soldiers could not get to them.

    Of course they make great house pets! Much like the Grizzly Bear and leave us not forget the Wolverine which are of course great pets to have around the house...... :blink:

  7. I noticed yesterday it seemed to freeze up for a bit, I don't remember the time. I went on menu and checked my phone connection, it said I was not connected the first time, so I checked the connectors, they seemed okay so I checked again and the system was happy with the connection. Everything was back to normal when I went back to the show I had been watching.

    don't have much really bad to say about sat t.v. I have had both and they both have issues. I have found the phone-in service people to be very helpful as well.

  8. Hmmm it doesn't say fishing only so I'll add my 2 cents worth. I have lived in three haunted houses, had several encounters that were.....shall we say 'goose bumpy" that involved rather interesting apparitions. Saw them, became a more avid believer, don't really want to live in another haunted house, so I avoid old homes and I always ask if the new homes I look at are built anywhere near a graveyard....that is a bad thing.

  9. I went over this with a couple of retailers who told me they get damaged lines back every year, because folks use a silicone base spray on them. Apparently not all silicone treatments are meant for lines and will dry and crack the finish. I had not had that experience, but to be on the safe side I have used the treatment pads that Cortland and others sell.

  10. I think that regional centralization of many public features such as hospital/eductation etc. has decimated small towns as well. Instead of providing money to sustain schools and medical centres in small town Alberta, it went to developing the same infrastructure in the larger cities and led to people moving to where they could better access facilities.

    Not to say there are other contributing factors but that is, I believ, one of the bigger ones.

  11. I don't know if it is going to end any time soon, but to not think of the future seems short sighted. Especially if you are looking ahead to your grand children and so on.

    Firstly the O&G industry does support the economy, at the moment there is little question about that. The offset of this is that agricultural land is seemingly held in disdane and consumed in huge quantities for horizontal development. I really think that Canada and in particular Western Canada should be doing research into alternative power so that when the day comes we are ready and can maintain the economy without crashing as is suggested and as will no doubt happen if we do not look ahead. Wind power is definitely one alternate source, but I believe we need to look even further for new ideas. Sure O&G is the prime mover today but we are living in a house of cards if we do not look further...

  12. I think what I see here through reading all of the posts is that nobody really trusts the word of anyone anymore. I believe that there were good reasons not to restart the plant and I also believe that the politicizing of the issue was done with a lot of crossed fingers in rear pockets.

    If they hire someone to watch out for public safety they should listen when she/he speaks. My understanding is that they were short some cooling pumps and last time I read anything about a nuclear power plant it seemed that cooling was a pretty essential function.

    I for one (who tends to be a user of facilities rather than a tech) like to see qualified people making decidions in their venue rather than leaving it in the hands of a baby kissing MP who only thinks ahead to the next election.

  13. Man this is really a sore point with me. Seems to me Alberta's habitat is being sold down the river. I cannot blame industry so much as the Government, which allows industry to pretty much do what they want....I know an exageration but you get my drift. I want the Government to stop paying lip service to the environment in general and start actually being proactive about protecting it. There will come a day when people will look back at this era with dismay, but by then it could be too late.

    In my opinion there has been too much emphasis on the creation of jobs (which cannot be filled as it is) and too little on checks and balances that would help to save our environment now instead of trying to spend billions on reclamation when it is too late.

    There is a general fear mongering by the elected party when it comes to doing anything that might disturb their industrial bedfellows.

    The eastern cod industry was politicized away and I really see the Alberta environment going in the same direction. Again this is my opinion, but I really want the government to stop treating the public as if they are too ignorant to understand the things they are doing.

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