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Posts posted by admin

  1. It's because you're using an inferior OS and browser. Get yourself a PC and Windows 7. ;)


    Come on! I had to say it. You know someone would say the same if the situation was reversed... "just get a MAC". hehehe




    We are looking to upgrade the forum in the next few months, so with that there may be more options available. You may want to check your security settings on your computer if you need to log in every time you visit. if your computer doesn't save the cookies, for sure you'll need to log in fresh.

  2. Just tell her it's like playing golf with only a driver and a putter....


    IMO, I would go with a 3wt and a 7wt. If she caves later on, it leaves a nice opening for a 5wt, but you can get a lot of use on that range. the 7 might be on the high side for trout, but if you get into some larger ones, or want to hit pike, you'll be glad you have it.

  3. I love RIO leaders for tapered leaders, but I use some hand built ones from Sero and my favourite is anything furled. There are a couple guys on the board here that make furled leaders.

  4. I fixed it up for ya.


    I remember seeing that video before. Very nice looking intruder. The only problem i have with that is that there isn't a counter rib over that pt hackle and if it breaks.... just add a heavy wire or chenille if you like to counter wrap over the hackle.

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