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Streambed Rights

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Wolfie here...Brad..how would you like to team up with me and my Wolf..Nikita, and have a conversation with the owners of that B&B, it could be very true that they may not be aware that their guests are the real problem to the landowner's rights...besides, this will give you an opportunity to met Nikita, and see if she'll wag her tail at you OR will it be straight out in an offensive position...OR cocked like a half moon in total Alpha mode...hmm interesting to see ..............Wolfie


...here is what she looks like...."Beautiful isn't she?..........


............................ wai6dw.jpg

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I hear you Chris......most here don't have a clue including the person that started these topics......there are areas that the landowner does have ownership of the streambed. Our family owns several tracts of land that were acquired via HBC many years ago and I know for a fact that we own streambed rights on some of that land as well as the the land title to those that do not have streambed rights the land reaches to the waterline and not the highwater mark that many believe applies to all waterways. I personally believe those that have had encounts were trespassing to get to the water to begin with and think that is where the problem lies most.

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