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Photo And Fishes


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As I sit here @ work counting how many flouresent lights we have and waiting till work is done so I can start my vacation I had a strange thought come through my mind.


I was woundering if taking photo's of fish with a flash could poitentally harm their eyes. I know when a photo of me is taken with a flash I tend to close my eyes, and I was wondering if certain fish that are repeately caught in the same place if their eyes could be damaged from the repeat exposers to flashes?


Just some food for thought while I sit here and count down the next 3 hours.

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WOW, where will this end??


We can all agree (I hope) that reasonable care should be taken in the catch/photo/release of fish, but we're getting carried FAR away!


Guys; angling causes fish stress! Everyone that is so concerned about these precious little creatures, PLEASE consider golf or if you're concerned about how the ball is effected by the impact (golf ball concussion syndrome), may bebird watching, or non-flash photography will be more up your alley !! Or you could campaign to save the Sea Kittens.....



I guess it's possible (hopefully probable) that you were kidding to get a response -- ya got me.

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I think you need to relax a bit, where did I say DO NOT TAKE PHOTO WITH A FLASH, it was something I was curtious about and thought I would ask, no where in my post is there saying do not do this, it was a honest question.


I think it is people like you that takes things way out of context and don't even read the whole post. Why is it when someone wants to learn something or is curious about something that could poitently be bad or good for a fish they are told they are taking things way out of line, geeeze, now I know why I don't really feel like posting or making any types of reports when the KNOW IT ALL's tell me what I can and can not discuse.

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I was woundering if taking photo's of fish with a flash could poitentally harm their eyes. I know when a photo of me is taken with a flash I tend to close my eyes, and I was wondering if certain fish that are repeately caught in the same place if their eyes could be damaged from the repeat exposers to flashes?


No, but don't smoke if front of them. The second hand smoke will cause irreparable damage.

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No, but don't smoke if front of them. The second hand smoke will cause irreparable damage.




Funny *hit, the best thing about that photo was the smoke wasn't even lite, I guess people missed that <--poke--<

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well what do u think bhurt? does it or dosnt it hurt there eyes? maybe taking pic after dark could hurt the retina some but i doubt it could damage them longturm...... and most fish repetedly caught probably dotn get caught as u might think and if they do the over fishing will probably kill with lactic acid build up and no chance of gaining much weight would kill em before a lightbulb does....

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How many times have you had your picture taken with a flash. Probably in your long lifetime (much longer than a trouts anyways) at least a few hundred if not a thousand times. By gosh, when you were a baby in that first month there were probably 500 pics taken right there.


I think the fish will be fine, I doubt any single bow river fish has had it's picture taken more than 20 times.

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I put sunglasses on my fish before I snap a photo..I THINK IT SHOULD BE LAW!!!! B)


That's a funny visual right there..


"Dammit fish! Hold still!! Wait... just let me flip him upside down for a second..."

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I caught a really nice bull outta some pretty skinny water one afternoon and let out a massive "woooooohooooooo" right in it's face, not purposely, but once I had it in the net it just came out. I'm sure the fish was not impressed but I wondered after what their hearing is like and felt a little bad because had it been a person I did that to, like my girlfriend for example, she would really be not impressed and there would be some choice words. These days I just try to keep it to a fairly calm "niiiice fish" just in case, wouldn't want them to go deaf.


True story.




As far as flashes go, I couldn't speak about that. The sunglasses seem like a good idea :).

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