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Lightweight Eyes


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Since I started fishing most of my streamers with a sink tip I don't feel I have as much need to weight them with dumbbell eyes, but I like the look of them. Is there something out there that still has the same look and shape of Real-Eyes but little weight? I thought of stick on eyes, but not all the patterns I use have a large enough head to stick them to.

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There are aluminum eyes available, Iuse them on metal tube flies sometimes. You can make your own with mono; larger ones can be made weith multiple strands of mono, Randy Diefert showed me how to make them using raffia which was neat and different. Glass beads looped from the ends of a length of mono can works as well.

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Take a pair of beach shoes [ thongs] available in your favorite big box store @ <$1.00 and a leather punch. Punch the shoes with the leather punch. You get a whole set of eyes - like several thousand from every shoe. They weight little and can be colored with paints or markers. The best past - beach shoes are available in thousands of obnoxious colors.

I use the "punched" out eyes for dragon fly nymphs, damsel fly nymphs, Clouser type of streamers.






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The aluminum eyes seem like the ones I want. The Spirit River Deep See Aluminum Eyes look like they fit the bill perfectly. Thanks for the suggestions all.


I have been using these for some time now and really enjoy using them, as like you mark, I use tips when throwing streams, only time I use lead eyes or heavy stuff is when I am out look for Bulls and fishing in really deep pools with a fast current. I generally do not like to use a t14 cause I am just not there yet with my casting to be able to pick it up and toss it and I think t10 is more then enough with some heavier eyes.


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