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Changing A Furnace Filter

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I've googled all morning and I can't find what I'm looking for.


About a year ago we had our furnace and ducts cleaned. The guy showed me how to take out and clean our furnace filter but, for the life of me, I just can't remember how and what he did to remove it. I do know we have what's called a "permanent apron filter" that is somewhere in the furnace and it's supposed to slide in and out fairly easily. But we can't find it. Anyone else have this type of filter in their furnace and could possibly direct me to its location?

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Have you taken the front panel off the furnace and looked inside for it? It should be located at the exterior of the fan compartment typically.

If you can't find it my next question would be is if it got sucked into the fan? I saw this happen on my wifes cousins furnace.

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Thanks Weedy - I"m gonna rip the doors off the front of the furnace today and see if I can't find it.


I do know that it couldn't get sucked into anything - the filter is huge when it comes out - I remember it being like 3 foot by 2 foot and I remember the guy saying that, next to having a HEPA filter, it was the next best thing. Fat lot of good that is when I can't find it. But I'm sick of dusting twice a week so I have to figure it out somehow.

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Lynn, an apron filter is something usually used in the commercial market. Some residential furnaces use them. They sit underneath the fan in a u shape. They work by building up a thick layer of dust which in turn traps the particulates in the air. In my opinion they have to be the worst imaginable filter to use in a home application because they only become efficient once a layer of dust is on them. While waiting for the layer of dust to build the furnace recirculates containments throughout your home.


By any chance do you have a slot in the ductwork close to the furnace that is intended for a slide in filter?

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I was expecting cats on a Segway.


Weedy...you are definitely on the right track there - I remember that's what the guy said now. I think I have a good idea of where to concentrate my search for it - somewhere near the fan/blower unit and something that fits in there like a U. Kinda gross about the whole dust thing though.

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