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Is It Illegal To Touch The Water Valve On The Street?

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Long story short.. Enmax turned off the water to our house today IN ERROR. Property Management company figured it out (we're renters), called the city and it's all straightened out. They understand that it was a screw up.. and "are aware of the urgency of this", but have no ETA. "Hopefully soon" is what they keep saying.


Now we're just sitting here waiting for the "after-hours crew" to show up and turn it back on.


I see the damn valve on the street.. is it illegal for me just to turn it on myself?

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Got a phone call that they'll be here in ~90 minutes. So i'm not AS annoyed now..


But.. it's been off since noon-ish.


I called 311 and they told me it is illegal to "tamper with city property". I said, "well, it's Enmax's screw up, you guys know that. Tell them to hurry up and get here or else i'm going to turn it on myself." I also said, "I'm sure that if there was some crazy leak out there that was threatening to flood the houses on the street, and a random person ran out there and shut it off, that the city would have no problem with THAT."

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god gave you thumbs and it takes thumbs to turn a valve so go for it.


Thumbs are important and should be thanked every day (try a day with out thumbs)



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