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Almost a new year and I suspect 2008 may be one that many will be glad to see in the rear view mirror........It had some positives though, not the least of which was the ongoing success of the Stream Watch program and it's introduction into Southern Alberta on the Upper Oldman and Livingstone rivers.......The 2008 annual report for Stream Watch will be available in early January and will be posted on this forum.....


The costs to have a Stream Watch officer on-stream from mid-May through September for 2009 is estimated at $40,000.......This is up due to a need to replenish some capital, specifically vehicles.......As a result of the increased costs we are uncertain as to the number of officers we will be able to fund........We absolutely need to ensure that we maintain our presence on the Oldman/Livingstone and if possible we would like to place a second officer in the Castle/Carbondale drainage, funding permitted.....


We have some funds carried over from last year's successful campaign and we are waiting for SRD's response to request from them for funding assistance for the program. The OMR Chapter of Trout Unlimited has committed $5000 in funds for 2009 and our committee has already started it's search for corporate donors..........We plan to run the online auction once again as well as a dedicated Stream Watch raffle......


As we head into Christmas and the New Year, please keep Streamwatch in mind........As in the past, the Stream Watch Stewardship program is asking anglers to committ to a $300 donation over 3 years so please think of this as a potential Christmas gift for yourself or for the "fisher-person who has everything".....Donations can be made by contacting Kimberly Davidson at Trout Unlimited, Calgary Office 1-800-909-6040.....Mention that your donation is for the Alberta Stream Watch program.....All donations are tax deductible of course..........


Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and tight lines in 2009!!









I'm definately in for some more donations to the auction this year.


In addition, I can't remember if I mentioned this last year so forgive me if its already been looked into. A speaker at a TU meeting in Edmonton a couple years ago talked a bit about a group called "TD Friends Of The Environment", and how they usually had money available to help fund projects. I'm not 100% sure if Streamwatch is the type of thing they would get involved in, but I just took a look at their website and under "Funding Focus Areas", and two of them were:


Protects and preserves the Canadian Environment


Enhances cooperation among Environmental organizations


These two seem to be what Streamwatch is all about, so it may not hurt to send in an application. Every little bit helps. Here is the link to the website:




Here is the online application page




  DougC said:
I'm definately in for some more donations to the auction this year.


In addition, I can't remember if I mentioned this last year so forgive me if its already been looked into. A speaker at a TU meeting in Edmonton a couple years ago talked a bit about a group called "TD Friends Of The Environment", and how they usually had money available to help fund projects. I'm not 100% sure if Streamwatch is the type of thing they would get involved in, but I just took a look at their website and under "Funding Focus Areas", and two of them were:


Protects and preserves the Canadian Environment


Enhances cooperation among Environmental organizations


These two seem to be what Streamwatch is all about, so it may not hurt to send in an application. Every little bit helps. Here is the link to the website:




Here is the online application page



Thanks Doug..........Funny you should mention the TD Friends of the Environment fund..........I am a former TD employee and one of our committee members is still in their employ so we have tapped them hard!!.......Absolutley this is the kind of info. we need though, as there are lots of these groups out there that we should be approaching........Thanks for keeping an eye..........




ADC - Could you specify as to whether 100% of the raised funds will go to the Streamwatch program or is TUC now taking 25 or 50% of the raised funds as per what I am hearing? This wasn't what Barry & I had hoped for when he & I started Stramwatch 5 or 6 years ago now but it looks like a positive step. I am curious as to what the final decision was on this as it now pertains to a province wide org, as a subsidiary of TUC? Barry & I didn't get around to this when we spoke this week. Thanks for any info.



is there anything the average angler can do. ie take measurements of all fish and area of capture sort of deal.

  DaveJensen said:
ADC - Could you specify as to whether 100% of the raised funds will go to the Streamwatch program or is TUC now taking 25 or 50% of the raised funds as per what I am hearing? This wasn't what Barry & I had hoped for when he & I started Stramwatch 5 or 6 years ago now but it looks like a positive step. I am curious as to what the final decision was on this as it now pertains to a province wide org, as a subsidiary of TUC? Barry & I didn't get around to this when we spoke this week. Thanks for any info.







Now that is Class


(or lack there of)




  DaveJensen said:
ADC - Could you specify as to whether 100% of the raised funds will go to the Streamwatch program or is TUC now taking 25 or 50% of the raised funds as per what I am hearing? This wasn't what Barry & I had hoped for when he & I started Stramwatch 5 or 6 years ago now but it looks like a positive step. I am curious as to what the final decision was on this as it now pertains to a province wide org, as a subsidiary of TUC? Barry & I didn't get around to this when we spoke this week. Thanks for any info.




T.U manages all the Streamwatch funds, takes donations and issues tax receipts........For that they charge us a 5% admin. fee.......We made the decision this year to fund ALL Stream Watch activities out of one budget rather than keeping them separate by drainage........Other than that the program is as it was when it was first set up---just expanded to include more of the east slopes..........



  markd said:
does any of the fall splash money show up for something like this?


TU National Office has provided money to Stream Watch........Not sure where the funds come from.......To my knowldge, the Bow River Chapter of TU had not contributed to SW and are they not the sponsors of the Fall Splash??


As for 420's question on what the average angler can do, you can be involved in the Stewardship program with a $300 over three years and we can all be diligent in using the R.A.P. line when we see violations on stream.......

  adc said:


T.U manages all the Streamwatch funds, takes donations and issues tax receipts........For that they charge us a 5% admin. fee.......We made the decision this year to fund ALL Stream Watch activities out of one budget rather than keeping them separate by drainage........Other than that the program is as it was when it was first set up---just expanded to include more of the east slopes..........




Thanks Al. I had heard varying reports through the summer and into the fall from a few different folks and was curious what the final outcome of specific meetings were. That sounds like a pretty good set up - one that would allow this to work well, considering last spring it was quoted as considerably higher for TU CAB. Hopefully this is a universal % for all chapters and fundraising sources as it's an excellent program. An across the board set of guiding principles and values has been needed to deal with such issues and several others from day 1 and hopefully they are being dealt with now.

I know I haven't been directly involved for 3 years now but I guess when you've been a sounding board behind the scenes for quite some time you hope for the best outcome.

Thanks for the update and have a great Christmas.


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