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Tying Off Parachutes


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I'm having a bit of trouble finishing off my parachutes. Any suggestions out there?


This is how I tie a parachute pattern.


- tie in the post first. I'd say I probably wrap thread 1/3 of the way up the post, keeping as much tension on the tread as possible

- tie in the tail with the butts of the tail up against the post for a nice tapered body

- sparsley dub the body from the tail right up to the eye and then back to the post

- tie in the hackle with the stem(s) pointing downward, you can add a bit of head cement to the post, but I don't find it necessary

- wind the hackle from the top down

- take your thread and make a couple of wraps around the bottom of the post to secure the hackle.

sometimes it helps to angle the post back and forth so you can see what you're binding down to avoid binding stragglers.

- I like to add a couple of half hitches, and then whip finish around the post

- apply head cement to the base of the post again angling the post back and forth to avoid getting head cement on the hackle

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Guest Dennis59

I like to finish my parachutes Klinkinhamer style & tie off on the post. 3wraps botton of hackle then work tread thourgh hackle then whip finish off the top of the post. Leave the eye fiber free.


Tight Lines Always

Dennis S :laxfisher::fish_jump:

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