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Thanks Everyone!

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I wanted to thank everyone who donated to my fund raiser this month! I had hoped that I could raise $1000.00, but between a bunch of Texans (and assorted other 'mericans), Albertans (and assorted other Canadians) , Oilfield Trash, Fish Bums, Liberals, Conservatives, Democrats, Republicans and I think maybe even a Green Party member I was able to raise over $3200! This puts me in the top 50 out of 3500 or so in Canada and top 200 out of 40,000 fund raisers world wide!


In all honesty, I feel unbelievable honored to call this motley crew my friends! Thanks to all who donated and to all who put up with my rambling about it for the last month. Special thanks to Wayne and Brett for the donations of the rod and flies!!


Here is the last pic:



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If you got money from a Liberal I want a refund! Green maybe, but Liberal?!?!



PS: Well done Rick!!


I was assuming there was a liberal in there somewhere. I have no real confirmation. Same thing with democrat. Not sure any of my Texas friends even know there is another party than republican.

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