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Idaho Drowning

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Not sure if details were posted here or not. Not much info here, but one wonders about a tube on a river. Buddy of mine tipped a tube on a lake once and would have been in real serious trouble had he been alone and in bad weather--we were able to row to him and get him to shore. He could not get upright. It was the second tipping for him so he slashed the tube and bought a PT.




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Tragic story. It grieves me to hear he was married and had 2 children.


The float tube I had had the apron ends cut so they can't clip on for such in instance and you would simply fall off the seat. Do some tubes not have this? Are there tubes out there where you are literally strapped to the tube?

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I don't personally know his family, but his mother is my Grandmas cousin and when it first happened there were a lot of different stories floating around (probably not the best choice of words given the circumstances). the first was that he was wading the river when he slipped and hit his head on a rock and drowned. but then the whole float tube flipping story surfaced and it sounds as though when the tube flipped he knocked himself uncontious on a rock so there wasn't much he could do to get out of the tube and since it was in a river the others around him couldn't get to him fast enough. Another fellow i work with was origanlly from picture butte and was good friends with this guy and he told me that although he was one of the nicest guys you'll ever meet that he wasn't the smartest guy. Now however the old man and me have to fight with my grandma over how safe a float tube actually is when used properly, and to think I just used some birthday money my grandma gave me to buy a new float tube!!

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Guest guito

Hi Clive


I went to the funeral today. From what I was told it was because Eddy banged his head like twoforty said. He was knocked unconcious and carried away by the current.


I totally agree rivers are not places for belly boats, I have seen this many times and it makes me cringe every time.




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