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People Dis Living In Calgary But Okotoks Is Having Big

Guest Sundancefisher

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Guest Sundancefisher

I have lived and worked in small towns and the biggest problem there from what I have seen and heard is lack of things to do (from a teenagers point of view) and being stuck with a group of misfits for friends. Some years the core group is academic, others it is sports but more and more often drugs and alcohol become the focus.


What a lot of kids seem to miss is the self confidence that comes from being outdoors with their parents and seeing nature with all its ups and downs. Being along a stream fishing and realizing you misplaced your lunch and water... Yikes... 2 hour hike seems like 10 when you are hungry. Being along a stream and then BAM...the fish turn on and you have the most memorable time with your kids. Being out on a fishing trip and seeing perfectly sized rocks for sling shots and just spending the first hour hitting a dead tree from 50 feet.


I strongly believe fishing can provide a huge turning point for keeping kids off drugs and booze so that they can properly "find" themselves with a sense of confidence knowing that their parents care.









Drunken youths turn on RCMP during wild party



The Canadian Press


September 20, 2008 at 7:48 PM EDT


OKOTOKS, Alta. — At least eight young people are facing charges after a mob of between 70 and 80 drunken youth turned on RCMP officers investigating a wild high school bash.


Sgt. Patrick Webb said Okotoks RCMP received a complaint Friday night about a noisy house party in the community just south of Calgary.


While officers were on their way, they got word that a fight involving baseball bats had broken out at the house, where between 125 and 150 teenagers had gathered after a high school football game.


The five or six constables at the scene were quickly surrounded as they tried to make arrests.


“They were met with about 70 or 80 participants who decided they were going to interfere with the investigation and basically were attacking the members there,” Sgt. Webb said Saturday.


“They were throwing beer bottles and throwing beer at them, as well as when arrests were trying to be made, they actually interfered with the arrests themselves.”


None of the officers had to be treated for injuries.


The accused, who are in their “upper teens,” cannot be named under provisions of the Youth Criminal Justice Act. Sgt. Webb did not know whether the eight arrested were all males.


They were thrown in jail overnight and face charges that include assaulting a peace officer, obstructing a police officer, resisting arrest and public incitement of hatred.


They are scheduled to be in Okotoks provincial court in November.


The incitement charges stem from urging others at the party to resist police and cause trouble, Sgt. Webb explained.


There were also three charges of breaching probation, he added.


“Some of the individuals there weren't supposed to be drinking anyway. They were released on court appearances as little as a week ago [on the condition they] stay away from alcohol, so it obviously shows how little respect they have for court orders.”


Sgt. Webb said a great many of the party-goers were intoxicated, even though very few of them were of legal drinking age.


“There should be a lot of parents in the Okotoks area asking their children why they were there.”


He said the officers never felt their lives were threatened, but “certainly they were very intimidated.”


“When you have 70 or 80 people surrounding you as you're trying to do your job ... it's obvious the intent of those people was to get the [others] free.”


No weapons were drawn by party-goers or police, Sgt. Webb said.


“The RCMP members showed great restraint in just managing to get that [many arrests] done,” he said.


“It was basically a large group of drunken fools.”

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Okotoks is having BIG problems?


uhh ohh, a party got out of hand..that would only happen in a small town right? If a party of this size happened in calgary, i'd be willing to bet someone would get shot or stabbed.


come on, it was a bunch of highschool kids at a party on a friday night, Parties really only happen in small towns after all..


You never drank as a kid or partied after a football game?.


When was the last time someone held up a school or someone was SHOT in okotoks......hell, the vast majority of 'party-goers' in okotoks are uninvited from Calgary, Black Diamond and Turner Valley..


Because it's a small town, its full of misfits?



Perhaps not....



I don't see this as being a part of not being outside enough or fishing....kids will go party on friday nights during the school year, doesn't matter how 'outdoorsy they are'




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I lived on a estates as I grew up and the closest person to me was about 30mins away. We always had things to do, but my grandparents and my parents were very stricked parents that didn't let me and brother get away with too much.


I think alot has to do with how parents raise there children, I have coached (up till the last 2 years) bantam football in this city for the last 11 years and I have noticed that alot of children lately are getting more disruptive. With these players I ALWAYS took the time to get to know them to find out why they were so wild, and for most of them it cae down to to mom and dad always gives them alot of money and are never around.


I could be wrong but there is always something constructive to do if you go out and look for it.

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Guest Sundancefisher
Keep in mind too that (like usual) the whole news story is based on the police officers account of the events... and that is all that there will be in the court case, the word of the police against the word of the kids...


Ahhh... The old it is not the kids fault...but rather the police were in the wrong.


Accountability and responsibility is key component missing with our youth these days. Way too many kids out drinking. When we were young we snuck a few but then didn't mob cops. We knew it was taboo and hid it cause we were smart. Topped off pops gin and vodka bottles with water etc. Now kids don't try to hid it, they don't have respect and are aggressive towards all authority.


Ride the Ctrain after 9 pm and post that the kids are nice and easy going and all good.


The kids in trouble need mom and dad to admit it and take some responsibility for crappy parenting IMHO.



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