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De Hair Is Bad For My Hallergies

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A few years ago, I picked up an allergy. It's from poplar trees. I can handle the sniffles and sneezes, but the itchy eyes almost drives me over a cliff. Needless to say it makes it difficult to enjoy this time of year.

Of course, the real solution is to go somewhere where there are less poplars - like the mountains. ( And seeing as I'm going, I might as well take along my fishing stuff. That's what I tell my wife, anyways :rolleyes: .)

So, the last few years I've been trying to find some remedies. I absolutely loathe taking drugs of any kind for anything, so I concentrate on natural or food sources. This year, I have found something that works quite well. I take 1 Cold FX and one 500mg vitamin C (timed release) two times a day. I have practically no sneezing and only minor itching.

What are some other remedies? It would be great kick this thing out of the way for good. Do tell. Thanks.


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rye & coke with a lime wedge


I find subing the coke for ginger ale works well too,and screw the Lime to close to health food. When I get really bad allergies I double up the rye. Actually just to make sure it works I always double the purly medicinal rye.

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