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Oh Man, That Was A Rough Day.....

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I got up this morning, looked out the window and saw the blanket of snow that covered the ground. "I guess I won't be trying to catch a fish today" I said to myself. I reached for my truck keys, grabbed an empty 5 gl water container and headed off to get a few groceries and some water. Stopped for the water first, then went to Safeway to get a few things. As I returned to the truck with 5 grocery bags in my hands, in hindsight, I should have but didn't realize that while driving around town the water jug had shifted, and was now leaning against the door. As I opened the door, down came the bottle, with catlike reflexes, I tried to break its fall with my right leg, bad mistake, as I tried to keep the bottle from falling, I struck my shin against the running board, it frickin' hurt (got a bruise the size of a softball on my right shin), now it doesn't end there.... as the bottle hit the ground next to the truck, I notice the cap pop, now the bottle is pissing nice clean purified water all over the place, I quickly throw the groceries on the back seat, and as I am going to reach for the stupid bottle, I see it roll under the truck, now spilling more precious water all over the ground, I peek under the truck and see the bottle now all the way across on the passenger side of the truck, I run around the truck to catch it, but by the time I get there, the bottle which seemed to have taken a life of its own, had come ot a stop and was now rolling back the opposite direction, once again under the truck and out the other side, so here I go, now running around the truck again, to my relief I catch now the damned 3/4 full bottle of water, I reach down for it, and as I'm getting back up, I slip on the snow and down I go, landing on my right elbow, now it is bruised. At the time I didn't think it was funny, but the onlookers must have thought differently. I dusted myself off and home I go, finally. As I go inside the house, my kid looks at me and "what happenned to you" "are you OK dad?", he laughed (I did too) as I shared my little adventure and showed him the scuffed up water bottle.

By noon, I figured I could do some things around the house, you know those minor repairs you just haven't gotten around to for one reason or another. Oh yeah, the bathroom sink doesn't drain very well, let's play plumber. I target the P trap, which after some arduous work I manage to remove, man was that thing tight. I examine the thing and notice a substantial amount of buildup on the inside. A wire brush does not do the trick, so I take a screwdriver to it, now IT will break up the calcium buildup. So here I am fiddling with this this, then suddenly, I feel the scredriver between my fingers, yeap, pushed it right through the wall of the P trap. So off to the hardware store I go, and within minutes I have a shiny new piece in my hands. I get home and quickly install it, I let the water run and it leaks like a sieve, I tighten the nuts a bit more and the leak persists, it is then I realize the new piece has a crack in it, so back to the hardware store I go to get a new one. Finally, I am home again, new piece in hand, I install it and to my dismay, it leaks. Now, the new piece is fine, it has no cracks, so I tighten it more, it leaks still. I put some muscle into it, yeap, I snapped the new piece, just as I noticed I have now broken the seal that joins the drain pipe to the main, you now, the one right tight against the wall.

I guess I won't be trying to catch a fish tomorrow, I got me sum more plumbing to do...............

In hindsight, I should have just stayed in bed all day

BTW, the new stuff/fittings are crap, paper thin, nothing like the old stuff which is much thicker and stronger, unless of course you take a screwdriver after it.

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Well, the good news is it's really cold this morning, so no fishing anyway.

Great story, thanks for the early morning laughs. I think we've all had that day.


I do have one question: How tall is your truck?? Tall enough to clear a 5 gallon water bottle apparently!!

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