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A Question For Don Anderson

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Hello Don;

I was fishing a local haunt west of RedDeer the other day and noticed 4 larger pike in what I thought was a "trout" stream. Do pike feed on browns? I caught one small one on a streamer and released it. As I did I had the following running through my head..


Throw him in the willows? as to not eat browns..


What do you suggest? By the way there were a total of 8 trucks parked there on Saturday.......everyone seems to have the itch around RedDeer.


Please advise

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There have been pike there since forever. Some very good ones. If I recall correctly, the pike season is open. They make decent eating. Don't think that they effect the population much although they certainly eat trout. I've seen one catch a trout that I spooked upstream. Wasn't a pretty sight. But that's nature. Sometimes you are the grub!


PS - I was there Friday before the herd. Caught a few trout.


catch ya'





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