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Stories Of The "strange But True". What Is The

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  LoneFisher said:
scariest while fishing- having a black bear jump in the lake and swim after me in my float tube.


That's freaky. I bet you were catching fish and throwing them back?



I have never kicked along so fast in that tube....... actually still had my line in the water and I was seriously hoping that a fish wouldn't come up on the caddis I was skimmin over the surface.......... I kept try to veer outta his path and it didn't seem to be workin so started shouting at him and he veered off and continued to the other side...... he was probably not more the 35 feet when he was the closest...... Until then I had always sorta assumed the walk in was the dangerous part and that once I was in the water I was relatively safe but after I started carrying my bear spray and bangers right in the tube with me. All I had that day was a knockoff swiss army knife.... you know the type that fall apart if you look at em to hard? One of those. I considering sinking myself to the bottom with it for a couple seconds as I figured that might be the better way to go..... but there seemed to be no guarantee that he wouldn't have come down after me.......


I got way too many.


But just from last year.


Every time I went out, thunder and lightning followed me. Then, it was wild animals. Cougar stalked me for a half hour on the Bulkley with Toolman, and then on the Crow at the solstice we saw FRESH cougar prints as well.


Funniest was when I was camping with a couple clients a bear came into camp and drank 21 cans of beer (and ate the remainder of our ribs and chicken) and we found it the next morning passed out 200 yards from the campsite on the road out. (Livingstone area) :lol:


LF, is the fishing really really good at said lake or do you just have bad luck there and keep going back for more?



DBT, i know ;) i just forgot how boring my life was until you reminded me


Coldest: Hiked up into Taylor Lake in late September a couple years ago. It took about 25 minutes to bushwack my way to the far end of the lake below the half frozen waterfall. It was about 2C & while moving my footing to land a nice cutthroat I stepped on the wrong submerged rock & ended up sitting in 8" of almost frozen water. I still landed the cutthroat & got a friend for him too. It was a long cold hike back to the truck though.


Neatest: After picking up my daughter from jail (her mother's) we planned to stop at Quarry Lake & fish on our way home. It started raining & she didn't want to fish but wanted to see if she could see the Greyling. They were spawning & close to the edge. We didn't see to many but we did get to watch an Osprey trying to catch its dinner. It wasn't having any luck either.



Nice stories.


Just as an aside, please continue to use proper capitalization and punctuation if you are going to use bold type on this forum. If you don't, you could be confused with a certain man with a Doctorate in Bull Trout. ;)


There's nothing quite like fishing near civilization...


As a young lad I found out the California state record for Silver salmon came from a creek near Inverness, California - so I resolved to give it a try. Lots of agribusiness and farming in the area and coupled with the proximity to the ocean, the water was off color and greenish.


I set hook on something and realize it's not a fish, figuring it to be a branch that come loose from the far bank as it's merely dead weight on the end of the line. I'm pulling it in slowly and out of the depths emerges this flesh colored object - it's still far enough away so that I can't make it out, but I'm thinking it's a drowned baby or a chunk off a corpse. I could see some small appendage looking thing - and I'm starting to get really uncomfortable - the last thing I want to land is a torso...


I get it in close and its flesh colored but it doesn't look right, it's square and pink, perhaps a foot long - with a fleshy looking appendage hanging off the center. I get it onto the sand bar I'm standing on and toe it over with my toe...


I had caught a sex toy ... a foot square facsimile of a human woman ...the part south of her beltline...


I don't know what was worse, a dead child or what I caught ... I instantly resolved NOT to eat anything outta the creek.

  DancesWithHeadCement said:
There's nothing quite like fishing near civilization...


As a young lad I found out the California state record for Silver salmon came from a creek near Inverness, California - so I resolved to give it a try. Lots of agribusiness and farming in the area and coupled with the proximity to the ocean, the water was off color and greenish.


I set hook on something and realize it's not a fish, figuring it to be a branch that come loose from the far bank as it's merely dead weight on the end of the line. I'm pulling it in slowly and out of the depths emerges this flesh colored object - it's still far enough away so that I can't make it out, but I'm thinking it's a drowned baby or a chunk off a corpse. I could see some small appendage looking thing - and I'm starting to get really uncomfortable - the last thing I want to land is a torso...


I get it in close and its flesh colored but it doesn't look right, it's square and pink, perhaps a foot long - with a fleshy looking appendage hanging off the center. I get it onto the sand bar I'm standing on and toe it over with my toe...


I had caught a sex toy ... a foot square facsimile of a human woman ...the part south of her beltline...


I don't know what was worse, a dead child or what I caught ... I instantly resolved NOT to eat anything outta the creek.




Haha i sat here and had to ask my self if you practiced catch and release this day ;);)



  ladystrange said:
LF, is the fishing really really good at said lake or do you just have bad luck there and keep going back for more?

DBT, i know ;) i just forgot how boring my life was until you reminded me



LS the fishin's good ;) I am not a masochist

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