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Landslide Lake/lake Of The Falls

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From Steve Herman, FT in RMH:

"No you have not lost it, there are bulls and cutts in Lake of Falls. Unfortunately we don't always get to review the regs before they are printed, and for some reason this was a mistake that was made. We noticed it after the regs were printed, but of course this was too late. In the 2006 regs and previous it was listed as "trout limit 2", and I had wanted to specify the bulls with a "0" limit. When we applied for our request, they made a mistake and put in brookies. Am hoping that we see the first draft of the regs this year as there were some other mistakes as well. Good eyes to notice this. In an old Icefields pamphlet it also used to list brook trout there, but I had them change it."


Let the discussion now be closed


<gopherboy goes back down the hole for another couple months>

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