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Patagonia Customer Service..

Guest bigbadbrent

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Sent a 13, yes a 13 (almost 14) year old jacket, that was probably worth NOTHING in for repairs


That would have made you, what? 10 years old when you got it? You wouldn't be returning hand-me-downs? ;)


As to comments on Goods and Services, I think if neg. comments are banned, so should positive ones. There are a lot of consumer reports/product review sites (as well as forums) that don't filter neg comments. Ebay actually has a seller rating system to encourage ethical conduct on the seller's part. When you read negative comments, you can usually tell if its valid or petty.


However, if that is the way SJW want to run his site, I'll oblige. I *try* to remember what my momma told me "If you can't say anything nice....."

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seems to me..... that the stance here is a very good one..... Also I think that negative product reviews if done constructively would not be such a bad thing. I do not feel that we should bash local business's or services. In a PM maybe but not on the open forum..... but really if someone has a complaint against a local business then that complaint should be taken up with that business at its highest levels. Then if a person is still unsatisfied they should build their own website where they can feel free to bash whomever or whatever they want at their own risk. AS far as products go I think reviews listing neg's and postives of a product can't be a bad thing if its done with tact...... Saying "I hate wader brand X because they suck the big one" without listing a reason is pointless.......... Also a lot of people might form a rash and lasting opinion on an entire brand, or business based on one incident so I would say that negative product opinions should only be provided by people who have actually used the exact product being discussed. But once you get into this whole area of who/what/where/why/when/ and how should neg reviews be done it seems to me smarter to just keep them out altogether........ keep it on a person to person basis and that way one persons possibly flawed opinion does not trash a business simply because said person has found a way to market his opinion to a huge group of people...... I dunno its a touchy subject.


Anyways sorry to drag it on longer Toolman.



But I have to say I am glad to hear some feedback on patagonia products and CS because it is one line I have never really had occaision to pursue..... Thanks BBB

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Guest bigbadbrent
That would have made you, what? 10 years old when you got it? You wouldn't be returning hand-me-downs? ;)




dunno...what...you're talking ...about

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I could not disagree with more man. No disrespect but to blame the customer for bad service is absurd, I agree with the fact that there are some unreasonable customers out there but you still have to smile, say thank you, take there money and then call him/her ***hole when they walk out the door. Being a company owner myself customer service is a huge deal for me, its how I decide were I will spend my money. I believe that good service is a thing of the past and it is definately not the customers fault, I think it is because there is so much money and so many people spending it in Alberta that companies just dont care anymore just give me your money and get out, Im to busy to care!!!!


Brent I love your Patagonia story man, they obviously know how to keep people coming back for more. I have never worn any Patagonia stuff but might start after reading your post. That is the kind of service that goes above and beyond, Im sure you had been happy with just the repair job eh!!!


Agree to disagree. ;)

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