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Pflueger Trion Problem

Guest ArtVandelay

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Hi folks


I thought I'd run this by you before I talk to Pflueger. This is my first reel, bought around the middle of august. If you look closely at the little pin in the center of the photos (Pflueger calls it a Spool Click Pin), it seems to be sheared right off. My buddy has the same reel and his pin is WAY bigger than mine :blink: . I've caught maybe 40-50 fish on this reel. After I started nymphing, I started to get into some nice fish ;) , but nothing real big (a few 20 inches or so). So this reel has not seen a lot of action. Some of you have had your reels for years with no problems, right? The reel still works...the drag works fine and it retrieves like always. However there is one HUGE problem because of the missing pin...the reel no longer zings when a big fish is stripping line. I really miss that...seriously. Any thoughts?





I'm not abusive to my gear and I hate it when my stuff doesn't work right. But I've had hard luck with my fly fishing equipment. I'm on my 4th pair of waders since august!!


Thanks guys,



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Hi Neil.

I'm not familiar with your reel except that I've heard lots of people say it's a good one to buy. I've got some Redington reels that look similar though. The noise maker is that little ball held proud of the spool by a spring. Take the slotted screw out and clean the ball and spring before you contact the manufacturer. Redington gives you a tool and an extra ball and spring with the reels I've bought. I haven't changed any of mine but I have one that is getting pretty silent. If that fails take a look and see if they have any on-line reel repair information. Best of luck. Rick.

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Check the spring first, could be stuck in a low position. It should be able to move in and out freely. Also check the the reel itself(not on the spool) there should be small dimples that the clicker engages into, maybe these have sharp edges causing premature wear. Either way you may need another piece.

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I compared your photos to my Trion reel and you are right that the little plastic doohicky on your reel is wore down.


Cheeler is right too as I checked the case that came with my reel and there is a spare plastic doohicky and spring in it with the multi-tool thingamajig.


I did not even realize the darn thing was there!

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Does the clicker still move up and down when you press on it? if not then its possible that the sring underneath is either broken or worn out. Unscrew it and check that to. If not then the clicker could be worn down. Either way Pfleuger should be able to get you replacement parts.

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Hey thanks for that guys. I found the tool that came with the reel and sure enough there's an extra pin! I have a few extras coming from Pflueger as well. If any of you Trion owners ever need a spool click pin just let me know and I'll get one to you. Now I just have to get that reel screamin' again!



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