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Hey everyone... been a while. Was a member even when it was on that old site, did the usual post a lot of pics thing, then just lurked in the background after a while. Had some good arguments about global warming back in the day haha.


My career took me to Vancouver island last summer... I had a say in the matter so can't complain too much. However, after living in Calgary for 8 years and thinking I hated it there, I can't stop dreaming about the fishing in the Rockies and their drainage, especially the Bow. May was always the month, right before runoff, when the big browns would start coming up for mayflies and I'd have all my spots to myself and catch fish all night. June I'd be waiting for the water to come down, but then quickly switch to the caddis and the tricos and the mayfly spinners etc etc.


I'm sorry but I'm nostalgic.


I hated Calgary. Couldn't stand the traffic, the city design, the politics of Alberta, the lack of public transport, the car culture, the lack of communities....... always wanted to move away, year after year but was finishing a degree, then another degree. The first chance I had I ran away to Vancouver Island, thinking I'd get to fish, ski, backpack in a nicer community that suits me better.


But now, a year out, I want to go back. If not Calgary, at least a town much closer to all those rivers (crowsnest, elk, columbia, bow, ram, etc). I had always planned to never go back to Calgary. But MAN, I sure do miss those evenings, sitting by the river, the sun low and the mayflies out, no one around and me flirting with some big browns. Or the nights south of town, when the caddis and then the spinners were out, and we caught rainbows until it was pitch black..


For the record, if swinging weighted flies, line and using big heavy rods to try and snag a spawning salmon is your thing, the coast is awesome! If however, you enjoy stalking huge trout and using tiny flies on the surface is your thing, it SUCKS here.... ahh I guess you don't know what you have until its gone.


Alas, I have one more year and I'm done all my training. I'll be free to work where I want, when I want. And trust me, I'll be back on the Bow, in May, one way or the other. And June, July Aug Sep Oct. I hope it never changes. I hope you all realize how lucky you are - this fishing in the middle of a city? No where else on earth.......... period.


Had to rant. It's been a while since I've been on this site, and it made me nostalgic.... go catch some fish for me.... and enjoy it. I'll be seeing you guys soon enough.

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funny, im just finishing up my schooling and my wife and i are planning the same Calgary escape as well.

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Take if from someone who has lived a lot of places, some of them VERY nice (San Diego, Orlando, and Waikiki come to mind) from a style of life perspective and some wonderful (small town Louisiana and Texas, Pocatello Idaho) from a outdoors perspective. I would gladly live in any of the above places if given the opportunity again. But only if they kick me out of Calgary kicking and screaming. For a man with a wife and three kids, all of whom, to varying degrees, love the outdoors, I can't think of anywhere I'd rather live. I realize this is a totally subjective thing, but for me this is the best place I've ever lived, and while there are things I don't like, they are so outnumbered by the things I do like the problems pale in significance. In fact, I kinda like the fact the city has issues. If it didn't, too many people would want to live here.


I work for an international company. One of the issues we have with transferring people here is the proportion of them who don't want to leave when we try to transfer them out. That says a lot for the city of Calgary and the country of Canada. Many of you folks have no idea how good you have it here. Keep working to change things you would like to see changed, but don't lose site of how great it is here.


Thus ends my speech sponsored by the Calgary Chamber of Commerce!

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