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Sage One

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Had a chance to fish my new Sage One rod last night. You need to take one out fishing. Casting it is sweet. Fishing with it is a whole other thing. The 4 weights have the cahunas of a 5 weight, but can cast small dries nicely. They are pricey, so conversely, the Z-Axis rods are one sale now. Its a win win.


Most of the blog posts about it sound like promo material. All I can say is take one out if you can. You have to feel it to beleive it. I may sell all my rods and get ones.

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I belive there was some changes to the graphite that was used (Using the new kennitic graphite) which makes the rod lighter and more enjoyable to cast.


So there is a huge change (Always is when there is a change in the graphitie) to the rod, but of course there is some branding in it, what company would not re-brand something when it starts to go stale in sales.


I also belive the only companies using this new technology is Hardy, Sage and Loomis.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Boys and Girls,


When you say "hype", you're basically telling someone they're full of crap. Hype is your opinion. Your "hype" is hype..haha. Everyone is entitled to my.....whoops, your own opinion.


Take "one" out. Don't say hype until you fish with one. Even then it's your opinion (as this is mine). Big companies pay lots of money for hype, but sometimes (z-axis) they have a really good "one" that comes out. Remember, too, that some of you guides, shop employees, and experienced casters can make any POS rod cast better than most of us. A talented musician can make a $99 guitar sound good. I need all the help I can get. Ha ha. I know sometimes people have to justify not wanting to spend $700 or not being able to afford $700 for a rod. It's a lot of money no doubt. Doesn't mean it's hype. Call a spade a spade.


Anyway, main point, I took a 690 out and don't find it as outstanding as my 486. I don't see a huge difference between it and a 690 Z-Axis (tiny bit lighter). That's just my view. It's the same with the Hardy Zenith, I have a 590 which is saweet, but the 890 didn't get very good reviews ( I haven't cast one). The BVK 890 got better reviews in a couple places and I can cast some huge divers and big strips with it well. It's going to Tobin Lake SK end of the month with me for Pike. Nice rod and nicer at $250!! There seem to be some sweeter sticks in any lineup.

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Depends if it was a noun, verb or informal usage. I don't see the term "crap" used below in the description, it is rather derogatory to the poster.


hype 1 |hīp| informal


extravagant or intensive publicity or promotion : she relied on hype and headlines to stoke up interest in her music.

• a deception carried out for the sake of publicity.


verb [ trans. ]

promote or publicize (a product or idea) intensively, often exaggerating its importance or benefits : an industry quick to hype its products.

ORIGIN 1920s (originally in the sense [shortchange, cheat,] or [person who cheats, etc.] ): of unknown origin.


hype 2 informal


a hypodermic needle or injection.

• a drug addict.

verb [ trans. ] (usu. be hyped up)

stimulate or excite (someone) : I was hyped up because I wanted to do well.

ORIGIN 1920s (originally U.S.): abbreviation of hypodermic .

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Your heading "hype or no hype" invited us to express our views toward "the one" so... what'd ya expect???




Graphite rods do not hold their value and these rods are over priced to begin with.



My advise for what it's worth (not a whole lot) is to buy an outdated Z because "the one" simply cannot be that much better and the Z is a great rod that is now selling for half of what it was worth a short while ago.


Thus saith the man who purchased his old, outdated, p.o.s. 'Z' just a little too early.


P.S. My next rod is gonna be bamboo.



Boys and Girls,


When you say "hype", you're basically telling someone they're full of crap. Hype is your opinion. Your "hype" is hype..haha. Everyone is entitled to my.....whoops, your own opinion.


Take "one" out. Don't say hype until you fish with one. Even then it's your opinion (as this is mine). Big companies pay lots of money for hype, but sometimes (z-axis) they have a really good "one" that comes out. Remember, too, that some of you guides, shop employees, and experienced casters can make any POS rod cast better than most of us. A talented musician can make a $99 guitar sound good. I need all the help I can get. Ha ha. I know sometimes people have to justify not wanting to spend $700 or not being able to afford $700 for a rod. It's a lot of money no doubt. Doesn't mean it's hype. Call a spade a spade.


Anyway, main point, I took a 690 out and don't find it as outstanding as my 486. I don't see a huge difference between it and a 690 Z-Axis (tiny bit lighter). That's just my view. It's the same with the Hardy Zenith, I have a 590 which is saweet, but the 890 didn't get very good reviews ( I haven't cast one). The BVK 890 got better reviews in a couple places and I can cast some huge divers and big strips with it well. It's going to Tobin Lake SK end of the month with me for Pike. Nice rod and nicer at $250!! There seem to be some sweeter sticks in any lineup.

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