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Need Statistical Information On Bull Trout


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Hey, i am currently taking an Environmental History class at the university and my term project involves me composing a map in regards to some geological effect that humans have had on their environment. So I figured why not mix school with my passion of fishing. So I chose to do my map on the effects that humans have had on the populations and the home range of the bull trout on the Eastern slope streams of Alberta in the last 100years. I was wondering if anyone had information on as to where I could get some Trout unlimited or forestry information that could give me solid figures or estimates as to the populations in various streams or area's for various dates. I will eventually be contacting various chapters of trout unlimited to see what information I can get directly from them but I also know that there are some very knowledgeable people who are on this board. So any help would be much appreciated and when all is said and done I might have a nice map to show the community and we can all pick some streams in search of this beautiful fish.



Dustin Parry

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**disclaimer - i did not read all of the links that i found. some may provide stats and others may only provide you with a email address to contact for further information and others have interesting footnotes for research titles that you may want to take a look at. what was interesting is that the bull trout is only considered sensitive and is not endangered.


good luck dustin

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wow thank you very much, i may owe ya a trip on a river to my secret spot. Or atleast a hint ;)


really?!? that would be great. i have few contacts with fish and feathers, i can't promise anything but let ask around and see if there is a place with some actual stats written down. tough subject

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Check with SRD, the Area Biologists likely can help also Biological Sciences @ U of L some grad students were doing some field work with native fish last summer.. they may have something that can help.

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