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Rally To Oppose Logging Of The Castle Wilderness

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*Disclaimer* I am posting this for information purposes only, not making a personal political statement!


For those of you that are interested/available:


Official Opposition Critic for Parks, Harry Chase MLA Calgary-Varsity, invites you to join him tomorrow to rally against the proposed logging in Castle Wilderness Area.


Wednesday June 8, 2011


McDougall Centre, Calgary (455 – 6th Street SW)


12:00 PM – 1:00 PM



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Yeah I attended with my sister (we should be on TV if we make the cut [not sure which channel], me with a sign that reads "Enforce Protection" and my sister with a sign that read " I heart Grizzlies"). I was expecting a better turn out (with the younger generation, that is... As 95% of the 50 or so people that attended were above the age of 60 - nothing against people over the age of 60!)! That being said there was only one day notice (IMHO poor planning)...





Anyone make it there?
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