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Litter By The Bow

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I am utterly depressed and disgusted by the amount of fishing related litter by the bow. Each time I go fishing I try to pick up whatever litter I can find, making a special effort to pick up fishing line. When fishing last night on the bow I found a busted fly rod that was discarded along with a bunch of line. Approximately 5 meters away from this was a dead gosling that had gotten entangled in the leader and bled to death after the line cut through it’s neck.


I would like to appeal to people to not leave garbage when out fishing. I would also encourage people to think twice before walking by garbage that someone else left behind and consider picking up one item each time out. Each little bit will help.


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Yeah it is a bit overwhelming, I usually take an empty plastic shopping bag along and fill up when I leave. But when I come back to the same spot later on, it's like i never picked up a thing.

Just gotta keep keepin' on though.

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You know what grinds my gears the most?


When people take their dog for a walk, pick up the poop, put it in a plastic bag, then toss the bag in the bush? Why even bother? I'm sure mother nature would rather deal with crap rather than plastic + crap.

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