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Killer Prank

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After reading about the great condom prank rick wrote about I figured I would share a pretty good one I pulled on a new employee a few years back.


About 8 years ago we hired a couple 18 year old kids to work as general labourers. One of the kids, Justin, had an attitude that to this day I have not seen matched. He could do anything faster and better than any person on earth to hear him tell it. He had no sense of humility or respect what-so-ever. He was so bold that he claimed he could bed any woman in town married or otherwise. He was literally driving everone at work nuts with his super-ego.


Anyway, along with many of my coworkers we just sat back and let him rant knowing that life has a way of eventually straightening fellas like Justin out. One day he asked me if I would help him set up his first ever email address. I took him to hotmail and set him up. Over the next few weeks I kept catching him on singles sites. It occured to me that I had a golden opportunity to mess with his head a little, another worker and I came up with a plan that would knock him down a notch or two. I created a false identity on hotmail named Janice. ( we created a whole image and personality for her just to be convincing) I had "Janice" email Justin claiming that she saw him on a singles site but he logged off before she could send him a message, luckily she had noted his email address. Justing bought it "hook, line and sinker"


As Janice and Justin began their cyber relationship we let her evolve from a shy little sweetie in a nasty, nasty, nasty girl ! This carried on for three months to the point that the things these two were writing back and forth would make a porn star blush. Seriously - I mean dirty and nasty way beyond what could ever be described on this site!!!!! - Now remember I had Justins Hotmail password still from setting up his account for him so each week we would print the last 2 or 3 previous emails both sent and recieved by Justin with Janice for our own edification and entertainment.


After three months of friggin splitting our sides once a week laughing at Justins emails in the local pub, we decided to set up a chat session - A buddy named Doug had been begging me to let him in on it but I wouldn't because I was afraid Justin would figure it out but none-the-less at the chat session Doug showed up pretending to be Sherri, who was Janice's sister who also was bi-sexual and into threesomes as well. In the next few emails we let Justin know that the girls were from Calgary and they finally wanted to get togther with Justin for a night of fun (Hot oil, strap-ons, whips, handcuffs - there was nothing we didn't suggest that Justin wasn't willing to do to hook up with these two sisters). A fatefull Friday night was set as the meeting date.


Well, let me tell you, Justins attitude reached a new pinnacle of ridiculous that day. He walked around all day telling anyone and everyone that would listen that he was scoring two bi-sexual sisters that night, and it was gonna be the best night any man had ever had. He was so bold he told everyone that if they wanted to see the two hotties stop by the grill (our local pub) at 6pm that night. It was so hard to stay cool all day without blowing our cover, especially when he spent his entire lunch break in our managers office begging for the afternoon off so he could clean up his apartment and get ready for his big date. Of course our manager knew the ruse and made him beg for half an hour just for his own entertainment, before letting him go home. The last email we had sent, asked him to explicitly describe everything he was going to do to the girls that night since they were both such dirty sluts, and they needed to know that Justin could truly live up to their expectations.


Usually there are about 5 to 10 people in the pub after work on a Friday, on that night I counted 35. Justin showed up at 5:30 and began to let us all know that we were total losers and when we saw his girls we would all be running to "ahem" within minutes of seeing his hotties - he went off, in that manner for the next half hour. Only about 10 of us knew that it was all a joke so justin and about 20 people were all lined up in the windows checking out every pair of girls that got out of a car in the parking lot. At exactly 6pm I stood on a table and began to read the nastiest and most descriptive email he sent the day before. I'll never forget the look on his face as he turned and listened in utter shock. I got 3/4 of the way through his email before he finally reacted and ran and tackled me off the table. At this point he still hadn't put 2 and 2 together and surprisingly scolded me for having his email as he ripped up the paper he had eventually wrestled away from me. I couldn't believe it, he tossed the paper and went back to the window, at this point 2 or 3 guys were already on the floor unable to hold their laughter any longer. I tapped on his shoulder and introduced Doug as my sister Sherri and Myself as Janice - didn't sink in, he just said "ha ha" and turned to the window again - we had to repeat this process 2 more times before he finally clued in (of course by now the whole bar was in hysterics). All night he was tackling guys as they would randomly pop up on a table and begin reading another one of his hundreds of entertaining emails. The bartender did show mersey and offered him free drinks all night, needless to say the razzing continues to this day.


On a side note - remember in the sun (nationally) a couple years ago there was new Canadian law established. It was the first time ever a non-biological father had been ordered to pay child support by the court - yeah ! that was Justin !

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